Well I made it five days

I spent a longggg time relapsing. Get to some rooms. Get involved with some people.

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I’m so sorry. Are you doing better?

I’m in the same boat. Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow a new day of sunshine!!!!

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So tired of waking up and putting Visine in my eyes before I go to work. So hard hard to quit this addiction

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Yes I know! It feels good to talk to
People who understand!

I joined this sight 4 days ago. It feels so good to say I am an alcoholic for the first time. This sight is awesome! You have a friend here!!!


Yae.. that is very cool

Relapse can happen don’t punish yourself start back day 1 get to a meeting find a sponsor work the program. The baby in your pic is adorable and just think how much better your life would be sober

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You should ask yourself if five days is progress. It’s a process. Small victories before you win the war.

Head up Terra. All any of us have is today so we all tie for first place when we hit the pillow sober.

You got this, I got my 30 day coin and drank that night! Back to 5 days sober now, meetings yes but definitely get a sponsor! I have three! And I call them day or night if I feel like having that drink!

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Congrats! 5 days seems so small but also so long. Im at 9 days and its weird to say

You made it 5 days!!! I’m on day 3 and scared as shit! So, let’s help each other!

Girl, I’m on the same struggle bus.

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Don’t ever lose hope. You have a beautiful baby to take care of and a great life ahead of you.

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Are you sober today?

Than welcome back :blush::+1:

And if it’s possible for you. Get involved with a AA Woman’s group in your area. It will make a difference

Going to meetings really helps, but also I'm so fucking done with it! I was killing myself! I have two boys I need to take care of!

How are you doing this week?