Well I made it five days

Well I made it five days and drank last night. I don’t know if I’ll ever break this. Im losing hope.


I know the feeling. Are you attending any meetings or have a support network?


The beginning is the hardest. You must change your thinking: you must know you can change this. When you don't feel it tell yourself you can change this.

You're your biggest support. Losing hope gets us no where. Change what you speak.

Find a sponsor. Attend a meeting. Check into detox. Something. You have it in you to fight. Don't lose to alcohol.


I dont really have much support no

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You have us. I guarantee people on Loosid supports you. I know it's hard to see now but it's true.

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Pick two or three people on this app to send a message to when you feel like drinking and have a conversation instead. I find good distractions to be a bit contrived but nonetheless helpful.


You can't be so hard on yourself.you made it 5 days without drinking.that's a great thing.relapsing is part of recovery.that is the only way we can learn what our recovery needs are.relapsing can become a learning tool to show us what we can do next time to get a different result.don't beat yourself up for learning and trying.NO ONE IS PERFECT!!!!!


I lost count how many times I relapsed but I kept coming back. It’s been 3 1/2 years now. Try to take it easy on yourself.

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Five days is awesome.

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Ur amazing for just being here and ur honesty


I fell you just relapsed on fetnayl after 5 days was so sick I couldn’t even drive

That’s a start!! We are far from perfect - each time hopefully will get longer times! Don’t look back look forward- try again and don’t give up! That’s success right there! We are growing and learning a different life, behavior, way and hell everything!! You got this!

Thank you!!

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Thank you! I’ve been hiding it for
So long, I’m just done

You're welcome.

Do you know why you slipped? For me I had to learn in the beginning boredom was actually harder for me to keep sober than if I was emotionally triggered so I would have to plan for my weekends. It’s okay to slip. We all do it. This is the learning part. We are building our sober muscles :muscle:t4:

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I've been sober a long time. But I remember when I first really got sober I made it almost 9 years. Somewhere in my 9th year I decided to pick up a drink and it cost me about 3 years of being out there drinking every day. After getting back to meetings I kept trying to figure out what had happened to me and why I had picked up in the first place. I finally came to the conclusion that I had BELIEVED THE LIE.
When you are at the crossroads and ready to pick up, your first reaction should be to call your sponsor or someone in the program. We need to play the act all the way through in our heads. It might feel great at first but when it's all over with your going to be right back where you started. Sometimes we simply have to walk through the pain. Walking through the pain is a lot easier when we are sitting at a meeting with other people that are going through the same thing as you are. If we take the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous sooner or later the obsession to drink will be lifted and you can have a normal life like everyone else. But your first action has to be to stop believing the LIE.

Buy some honey and mix it in with maybe some orange juice and try drinking that. Any kind of sugar does a great job at curbing your desire to drink. The reason being is alcohol has a lot of sugar in it. And part of the addiction is that we are simply addicted to a lot of sugar at one time. Over a long period of time this is not a great habit to be into but it's a great solution in the beginning.


You are not alone in this we are here to help you.. you can get this wonderful thing called serenity, its not easy but it is simple.

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You are not alone. Yesterday is gone. Today is the start of a wonderful day!! This ap is so awesome!!!

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