Well I decided yesterday 1 drink would be fine which

Well I decided yesterday 1 drink would be fine which led to drinking all night at bars…… I’ve literally vomited all day And only left my bed a handful of times. Why am I like this ugh

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One is too many, one hundred is never enough.


Because you're an addict?

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Dog deeper Taylor. You found yourself here for a reason. Don't beat yourself up...just put an x on the calendar dar and try again tomorrow. Let's keep those happy faces on the calendar more so at the end of the week they keep winning!


That was DIG deeper...hehe!

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Hey T. Welcome back. The guilt and shame goes away the further you get from that last drink.

Look at it this way: you removed all doubt. You’re one of us. Cancel the pity party and get to work. 90 meetings in 90 days.


I’m like that too. We are all here because we are like that. Be kind to yourself right now, and know that you deserve for your own health and safety to come first. Whatever that looks like for you, whatever right you may have to fight to get there, you are worth it. Hang in, girl :green_heart:


Fight, not “right”

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Because let’s face it.. it’s fucking fun til it isn’t. I’ve been drinking all weekend but thankfully on moderation… should I he messing with fire .. no. But I’m taking it as a victory at this point… progress is progress. I’m sorry you feel like crap.. but I’m all too keen with the cycle. Binge drink, hangover, swear off alcohol, a week passes and you forget all about your mishaps. Welcome to alcohol use disorder. Notice, I won’t throw “alcoholic” around, most of us don’t need alcohol to function or go into seizures. Most of us just can’t moderate. There is a difference, despite what these AA goers want to shove down your throat


Are you done now? I hope so. Talk to girls in the program

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You’re absolutely correct. Drinking is loads of fun until it isn’t. And just because moderation didn’t work for me doesn’t mean it won’t work for anyone.

As far as I’m concerned, this app and sober/sober curious community is here to celebrate people getting healthy by eliminating their addictions.

12 steps saved my life. Of that I have no doubt. But I will not claim it’s :100: % effective or that it will work for everyone. AA is a fellowship of people who want to stop drinking. 12 steps are suggested as a program of recovery that have worked more effectively than any other method

But guess what, they’ve also been around the longest and tried the most. If something else comes along that works better, the spirit of aa will tell us to step aside to make room for the improved method. Because sobriety is the goal. Not being right.


You have an allergy to alcohol! It took me 25 years to figure it out! Believe it don’t drink and find peace within

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This exactly! I don’t withdraw or anything like that I just drink way too much when I decide to drink! I don’t need it daily or anything like that. Some times I just get the urge then I splurge.

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Decided to try to beet the boredom and sercom to the mind , if I do that, and I have done it many times, its like a turd trying to flush its self down the toilet, sad

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Hey… two peas in a pod. I slipped up the last 3 days… a few here and there nothing bad, but lastnight i over did it. So here I go again.. :woman_facepalming:t3:.. I can only hope/pray this will eventually stick… it has to right?

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Hi are you feeling better today? Hope so!

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This legitimately happens to me eventide. I swear it will only be a couple , then I wake up the following day and wonder wtf. It never changes for most of us. Actually it usually only gets worse. I have been sober over a month now and it is getting a little easier. I meditation and positive youtube videos have been really helping me. There is a better life after alcohol.

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This is the story of my life.

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When I tell ppl that the 12 steps saved my life, that’s all I’m saying. I could not have done it alone. I could not control or moderate my drinking. But there are other programs of recovery with proven success. Find something that works for you!!

Well, I can honestly say that I drank the fun right out of drinking. I was spiritually dead inside. For me it took more than just putting down the alcohol. AA has helped me in that regard more than anything.

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