Well I decided yesterday 1 drink would be fine which

Once you start you can't stop and we don't enjoy it.

Exactly I don’t understand all the judgement and criticism on here, I thought this was a safe place to express how we are feeling and actually doing. Wasn’t aware you’re expected to be perfect 24/7 or tell the truth

Yes thankfully

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Congratulations :tada:

Taylor, it happens just keep trying

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I wish I had a buck for every time I thought I could have just one only to find out that my one makes me break out in handcuffs. I would love to say that once we are used to being sober the effects are different. I wish I could tell you that I've learned to go out and have a drink with my buddies. I can't. I can tell you I have learned that the cliff is always there and it just takes one step towards it to plummet to the bottom.

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If a lot of our community was transparent with their sobriety I would say their story has a moment like yours. We tend to think time gives us strength; when in reality, it gives us amnesia. We forget the end result of just a little. Next time you feel like one or two won’t hurt, play the tape to the end. Make yourself remember what comes after one.

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