Vices in Sobriety 😳

Do you have any “vices” you hold on to even though you’re sober?

For me, I love caffeinated
beverages (energy drinks) and I vape way more than I should. Also I LOVE video games.

What are yours?


Seltzer water with lemonade. I really shouldn't drink that much sugar. :tired_face:

Together as one drink? That sounds delicious!

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Yep. It is. I use plain, raspberry lime, or strawberry depending on my mood.

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Monsters and Vapes gotta cut back on them both though! What video games do you play Allie? And Amanda that sound sooo good! Haha


It really is. Try it.

La croix. I hated it all my life. Now it’s all I drink.


Cheez It crackers every single night. Better than downing 3 bottles of wine, I guess... :crazy_face:


my vape is like my adult passyfier. its ridiculous I sleep with it and go nuts if I lose it in my bed its not good but its better then what I used to do.. talk about a justification lol

I need to get me these ingredients ASAP

Have you tried CLEAN Cause energy drinks? Theyre way better for you than Monster, Red Bull, etc. and 50% of their profits go towards alcohol and drug addiction recovery :grimacing: they’ve been my new favorite aside from sugar free Red Bull. Also, I am a Nintendo girl at heart. So I’ve been playing Mario Kart Tour on my phone a lot. And a game called Uncooked 2 on my Switch - wildly fun but addictive! Do you play any?


Lol hating seltzer then being completely obsessed with it is sober culture at this point :joy:

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WAY BETTER! Now I want cheese crackers

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Lmao wow same. Nothing reminds me more of how hooked on it I am than when I can’t find it for more than 5 minutes. Instantly back to acting like a junkie :rofl::rofl:

Stuffed moose tracks ice cream with caramel sauce!

Nope I haven’t! Do You order them online? That’s awesome where they put heir profits! Very cool! I only play one game it’s called The Division on PlayStation, it’s a shooting game 3rd person I Love it! I miss Nintendo games as well I haven’t downloaded any games in my phone ever but I hear they are cool! Wait I have played pool :8ball: and that’s it though, I heard switch is Awesome! Is Mario Kart Tour on Iphone? :calling:

Smoking clove cigars and drinking Rockstar

The habit of physically always drinking something is still there for me - water, coffee, seltzer, tea or energy drinks - doesn't matter. I'm just still always in the habit of drinking something. Carrying a water bottle is like my security blanket. At least I'm very hydrated :relieved: :crazy_face:


YUM - I need to restock some ice cream

I haven’t ordered online yet but I do think there’s a discount when you do. I usually see them on sale in ShopRite and stock up. Yes mario kart tour is on mobile! Check it out