Vices in Sobriety 😳

Me too!

Can I Race you?? :laughing:

Coca cola. Can't quit it right now.

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Vice vs. enjoying life vs process addiction. I enjoy many indulgences but remember to check my motivation behind a decision. Am I being driven by a character defect to do this?

That is living step ten for me.
That said, I enjoy physical human contact, coffee, ice cream, chocolate, driving fast, and riding horses.

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Let’s see. I’m a “Gray Gamer” so video games are one of the safest addictions I have found, working on plants which grounds me, and reinventing my life after my husband’s passing a couple of years ago. We met at Meeting and had many wonderful years together. Now I’m refiguring everything like in the early days of sobriety.

So sorry about your husband :broken_heart::pray:t3: what is a gray gamer??

I don’t get any points for racing private lmao

Old people who love video games lol! :heart:


Redbull and Reese Cups

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I love my soda stream with fresh limes and Stur liquid water enhancer coconut pineapple

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Gee, I upped my drinking because of unwanted physical human contact stress at work, having a real hard time even enjoying good touches these days.

Let's see... vape pen,sex,gambling, steroids and sarms. I think that is everything. Alcohol is the only thing that gets me in trouble

Sugar free monster energy drink and chocolate candy.

Oh! Well then I am a to-be Gray Gamer! Actually, my hair is already turning gray so I guess I already am :nail_care:t2::older_woman:t3:

The dark chocolate ones hit different

Wow this is impressive. I gave up most meat and dairy but haven’t been able to cut out sugar. In fact I feel I’m very dependent on it. Any tips?

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Wait I just got a soda stream and now I need to try this. But I’ve never heard of stur liquid water enhancer? Is it like Mios

Congrats on removing the thing that was causing you the trouble :pray:t3:

My son got us into it over 20 years ago. We had a great time playing online with some young people from Canada for around five years. Now I play single player games. But we had a lot of fun