Trying to get it together, my son deserves better

Yeah im done with this feeling

It takes a few days to start feeling better. If you start having shakes or any other withdrawal symptoms see a doctor immediately

You deserve better too👍one foot in front of the other. Keep up the good work!!


Stomach just messed up from all the drinking and not alot of eating

Hope you feel better today. I’m going to see my doctor this morning and I’m scared to death to tell him about my drinking. I’m going to ask for help. See if I can get some medicine to help me stay sober

Yes, finally gettin my appetite back.. still cant sleep tho them demons real.. you might as well start by telling him

Antibuse was ordered. I’m actually excited about it. I feel it gives me a fighting chance. What about you? Can you talk to your doctor? I was scared to death. But got through it

Well thats positive news. I havent talked to a doctor im tryin to quit cold turkey after like a 8 days binge and feeling like crap

A doc might be the way to go. First time I’ve ever been honest with a doctor. . Really no big deal to them. Many people drink too much. We really aren’t that unique

You deserve better also!

Thank you

Day 5. Here we go???? How are you??

A doctor can prescribe something for the nausea so you can eat, AND KEEP IT DOWN. I’m only 7 months but my last time out, I literally didn’t eat for two weeks and it can do so much damage.
After getting my stomach settled, my appetite came back. I drank a lot of Pedialyte as well, it works miracles at getting you rehydrated.
You moving in the right direction!! God bless

Im feeling alot better, finally able to get a good night rest.. how about you?

Thank you sir.. stomach feeling better although not 100 % yet..

Wow, you're doing the damn thing! I was happy to see your progress! Glad you were able to have some of your appetite back as well as get some much needed sleep! Keep doing what you doing. Stay determined, but be easy on yourself.

You deserve better

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Im trying, thanks

Buddy not only does your son deserve a good and happy life but so do you!!! Stay positive you can do this!