Trying to get it together, my son deserves better

Trying to get it together, my son deserves better


How’s it going with that? Hanging in there?

Day one.. thanks for asking

The decision and admission were the hardest part. Have you been drinking long and hard enough to have withdrawals?

Yeah i was afraid to admit it at first.. no withdrawals, just being on here talking about it is helping so far

That’s great! Tomorrow you will have a full day of moving the way you want to move.

Thanks, i appreciate that

I am on day 417. Everyday I am thankful for that day 1.

One wonderful thing about sobriety, in time it will bring the gift of self forgiveness and your children will love and respect you once again
It’s a true gift
Make it happen

Im trying to get there, it starts now

I appreciate this app so much

Congrats on taking this step. It’s not easy but you did it.

Thank you

My wife and kids are my inspiration to become who they deserve me to be.

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When you decide that the only reason to not drink/use because you deserve better will be when you stay sober.

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Yeah kids dont deserve it

Thank you sir

How's Day 2 so far?

Fellimg like crap

Sounds like a normal day two. It does get better, and when it does you won't believe how much better.