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Serious about my sobriety and figuring out what the really means. What’s the water like out there?


What are you wanting to know? I can tell you that I’m a hell of a lot better now than a year ago. 349 days without a drink. 7 months without nicotine. Sugar cravings are mostly gone. My kids look me in the eye again. I’m not constantly worried about cops or court or losing my job. My bills are paid. I go to AAoften and loudly sing it’s praises.


The hurricane I left 3 1/2 years ago was terrible. The waters now have a occasional chop but nothing I can’t deal with

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Beautiful , especially the spiritual awakening part

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Your worst day sober won’t even compare to your last night or day of drinking.

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You will learn alot about yourself. Iv learned to love being sober

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I’m starting to recognize what causes the choppy days better.

I envy you approaching the year mark. I know everything you are taking about, and I’m on that path with my career and newfound relationships with my kids. It’s only been 34 days for me and the last dozen times I drank, smoke, etc, had me rendered useless for 2 days after.

I don’t think I can deal with one more hurricane or cause one! Thats in my mental list of reasons to say no.

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I think right now I’m at the beginning of the clearer part.

There’s always going to be choppy waters , that’s life on life’s terms , we just don’t pick up no matter what! If we do that , we can navigate through the roughest waters imaginable.

I need that tranquility :slight_smile:

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34 days feels like a lifetime. Congratulations!!

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I’m going through the irritated all the time phase.

My house is dry and I’m really liking that.

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Thank you!!

Nothing specific right now. so far just staying in my daily routine takes over the rough day, but I am venting more to co workers I trust. Can’t keep doing that I suppose?!

I’m good, today was easy for me. I understand the selfish part!

Haha. It gets easier. There’s a lot of things about our personalities and reactions to things to work on. The first is not drinking and taking the east way out :man_shrugging:

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Well 15 days in and no blackouts or crippling anxiety that keeps me down for 3-4 days afterwards so that’s nice. Ran into a few situations that did cause some anxiety but pulled through without drinking and felt good didn’t let people/situation/feelings bring me down. So far I’m not drowning in the water! Come on in :crazy_face::call_me_hand:

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