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You are right, I don’t have to sit by the edge anymore if I don’t want to! :blush:

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You get post drinking anxiety/panic? It doesn’t seem like too many of us get that way. Very strong reaction of mine also though.

I’ll still get wound up nowadays but it’s not even a fraction of what it had been like.

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Yup and it’s sucks to go through .. not sure why I get like that but after I binge my anxiety/panic so crippling


I get it too, like for example I get anxious that people at work are going to know why I’m not on my game, I get anxiety over the $ spent... I panic that now I do behind on things...
I can’t take that reaction anymore and is also a driver to quitting.

Yeah I used to be worried about my own shadow. I always wondered if it was a common thing and it just manifests differently? With different people? Kinda reminds me/makes me want to call it paranoia.

Whatever it is, don’t have to live like that anymore :blush:

Keep busy!!!

I work for government. I developed big lawn mowing , snow removal. So busy$$? You can try anything!! So many jobs out there!!!!

Hi ther

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Life happens, I now have better ways of dealing with pitfalls than crawling into a whiskey bottle and still having the problem when I sober up.