Thoughts on “Cali-sober”?

Thoughts on “Cali-sober”?

To me it is not sobriety. Weed is mind altering and takes you out of the present moment.

I don’t care what others do. I just think it’s bullshit to get stoned and consider yourself sober.


What if the only thing one has struggled with is alcohol?

For me, I think if one has struggled with alcohol, opioids and other things all together … Cali sober probably is not the best idea. But if alcohol is the real/only problem, I think Cali-sober is okay

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It is basically when someone quits whatever they had a problem with/struggled with (like just alcohol let’s say). But can still smoke weed and only weed (nothing else)

I have no issue with a person smoking weed. I have issues with a person smoking weed and claiming sobriety. But the great thing about your recovery, or anyone else’s for that matter, is that it doesn’t matter what I think.

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Can one claim sobriety from a certain thing(s) though? I do agree with you, it does seem cheap to say one is “sober” when that person isn’t totally clean.

Again, your life, your rules. My dr prescribed me a sleep aid when I first quit drinking. I took it for 2-3 months. I still feel I was sober. Does that mean a medical marijuana card falls in the same category? Not to me.

For me, if the intention is to have your mind altered, or to escape, then you’re no longer present and that is my synonym for sober.

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Thanks Craig. I appreciate your input

I was on opioid pain killers twice last year - dislocated shoulder, then seperately broken ribs - never felt the addiction pill like alcohol - never refilled either (although easily coulda justified) - for whatever reason, booze….

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Many people will say it doesn’t count as clean and sober. I think it depends on how you use it. Even professionals in the medical field are re-evaluating the medicinal value and success of MAT. If you know you’re living your life and doing the right thing and it’s not your main priority or a must to function and it’s working for you and you see progress, then who am I to tell you the way you recover is not valid. That’s the way I see it. Each persons recovery is different.


Thank you Ilona, I couldn’t agree more. I appreciate you and your input

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Cali-Sober doesn't sit well with me. You're either sober or not. Using any substance for a buzz or whatever doesn't make 1 sober.

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Cali sober is great. If you can stop after one or two. But if you could stop you wouldn't have a problem.

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It is a cheap way for saying one is sober. I’m just asking if one thinks it is okay to be “Cali-sober” (weed) if one only has a problem with alcohol?

Lots of people are "problem drinkers" and not alcoholics..."If given a sufficient enough reason to quit", they can. If they are alcoholic, it doesn't matter, the substance is only a symptom of the problem.
You can call it what you want I guess, but it comes down to spiritual condition.
I took presctibed meds for years, but on them was never really able to receive a deeper emotional sobriety.

I’ve never been addicted to heroin or cocaine but I am not an advocate of Holland-Sober or Columbia-Sober.

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Coffee and cigarettes are also mind altering drugs. Let’s keep it real, you can’t really claim sobriety if you smoke cigarettes and drink any type of caffiene


Touché Vincent.

I’m Cali-Sober and trust me those around me are love the alcohol free me