Thoughts on “Cali-sober”?

And when you go to outpatient and hear what some of the people in recovery are on? My God weed is very minimal



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Cali sober isn’t for me.


I’m not talking illegal drugs either , go to group, Seroquel..extremely powerful stuff Dr’s are prescribing just like they overprescribes opioids, and people are going to question medical marijuana!? Wake up

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I am not questioning marijuana or it’s benefits. I know that it has helped millions of people.

My question is whether taking something that gets you high qualifies as sober. I don’t think so, but who really cares what I think?

The post asked what we as individuals of this community think of Cali-sober. We responded. It is in no way intended to be a judgement of people who have a different opinion.

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In my eyes you are absolutely correct Craig. Great response

Absolutely Craig. Being Cali sober is not being fully sober … I was merely asking if one thought being “Cali-sober” is okay if one does not touch what he or she has problems with such as alcohol.

I, in no way am claiming that I am fully sober. I am just asking if it is okay to intake marijuana when my only problem is alcohol. I only have one joint on the weekend to wind down. I have had one slip up in the span of 2 1/2 years and I feel that marijuana has really helped me. However, everyone is different and my opinion does not matter. Was just curious

“Cali-sober” is a cheap term. I believe it should be called something different bc it takes away from individuals who are fully sober