This Saturday was the last straw

This Saturday was the last straw. I ended up going out, got drunk and hAd no memory. Messaged random people. Got kicked out of restaurants. Cried 7 hours straight. Admitted to my family that I have issues. They are very supportive and I don't think I would ever touch these things again.


I hope I didn't ruin my life completely

It is a tough thing, but not the end of the world. Hopefully you are starting to believe it takes more than a strong will or good intentions to stay clean. We have internal and external needs that have to be met. In order to meet those needs, we have to take action steps. Welcome back!


Thank you. I need this. I need this sobriety really bad. I can't be drunk texting, I can't be annoying. I am not touching these things ever again. I hope I find my support here

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You can do this AJ! It sounds like he’s surrendered and I have admitted that you’re powerless that’s the first step. If your family is offering help that would be wonderful it’s good to have the support. One day at a time


I hope I still have my job. I will find out in couple of hours.

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Thanks alot. It was not a goodnight. I hope I would never reach that place again

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Hi Ajay. I'm sorry about last night. You took a hard step- admitting you have a problem. That's hard. I'm glad you have your family in your corner. This will make this journey easier.

Let me know how things go with your job.

We're here for you.

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Hey Amanda, job seems fine. Heard nothing and working normally. I will be embarrassed to go to my regular coffee shops and even take a walk outside my apartment. I hope to get through this week

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Don't be embarrassed. Everybody has skeletons. We also live in a world where we get news daily. Whoever knows will forget about it in a couple days.


Remember you are only powerless when you drink
You have the capacity and the power to stay sober
It’s the most wonderful thing in life when you have it
And if you lose it after that you will long for it like your first and only love

Yo Ajay, what's up? How you doing today?

Unfortunately, it sometimes take something tragic for us to wake up. I've had classmates and close friends killed in an accident (one this past Saturday) drinking and driving

A little depressed. Deactivated my facebook, instagram and snapchat. A little unsure about what is going to happen.

Mine was pretty bad. Pissed off lot of people. Terrible

I agree to deactivate those platforms, however not because of shame or guilt. What could happen? You didn't invent getting drunk and being stupid. I did!:grin: you didn't wake up in the clink or the hospital.

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Pop the clutch brother! It is ok, life is to short to dwell in the past. If you didn't like the outcome of your behavior change your behavior. Recovery gives you the opportunity to do/learn how!!:sunglasses:

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Just try not to stay looking in the rear view mirror for to long. It doesn't serve us. Have a nice evening Ajay.

Just got a phone call from a girl saying how horrible I was with texts. I am embarrassed

:laughing: been there done that. Pretty sure I invented that as well. If you feel strongly about it, make amends.

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