Thanks for all that gave me advice but it's time

When it takes my babies it took my life

I could go into all the hollow platitudes, or I can tell you what you want to hear, but I won't. I will tell you what I have found out myself. You are special. You may not see it, or even feel it but you are loved. You have made impact in people's lives that you don't even know.

You have brightened the day of so.eone with an act of kindness that to you was simply being human.

Ending your life does not end suffering is pleads it to those you love and those who love you.

I don't wanna feel this way but there's no other option for me I've done everything possible

I know I can't say enough to end the pain you are in, but we are all here to help you. Please go to the hospital, and check in on a 72hr hold. They will get you some help and keep you with us.

I'm waiting to go to impatient now which could be any time

I always been there when everyone needed me but who's there besides my parents who has enough health issues going on now to have to worry about me

I a. Glad you are checking yourself in. I find through experience that those who support others are often alone when they need the support. The only ones who can truly be there for the strong, is the strong. Life does not stop pushing and beating on us even when we are down, but there are people who are there to bandage our wounds.

I'm sorry for what your going thru, just think who's going to be there for your kids..

It's not by choice me going to inpaitient dss is making me

And I do my babies are my everything


I'm not sure what dss is. I am sorry they are requiring you to go, but you will find the opportunity to get help a great thing. Dont worry about what happens outside of your health while you have the opportunity. Most of us who are there for everyone don't take personal health days. You need to focus on helping you.

DSS is Department of social services

At least isn't law enforcement.

You still with us Barbra?

Permanent solution to temporary problems. Get help now

It isnt a solution to a problem. Telling people that is almost like giving them the ok to spread the pain.

I hope you’re ok Barbara. I’ve enjoyed your posts and contributions on here. Please take care. Your presence matters to so many people.