Thanks for all that gave me advice but it's time

Thanks for all that gave me advice but it's time for me to leave this fuck up world. I cant do no more

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Please call the suicide hotline!


Bobby no.. pls call the hotline

Remember your kids

My kids are my everything

They r better off with out m

It don't help it makes it worse

They need you , pls call the hotline that Amanda sent you

No there not better without you..

Your not alone

Yes they r I already had a sezire last night n front of my mom cuz I took to many pain meds from my surgery

Barbara, your kids will not be better without you. Please don't do this.

We love you Barbara.

Your mom wants her daughter healthy.

That's what's bad is I haven't been doing drugs and shit but yet I fail a drug test at one place same day I take one at another and pass it they won't me to go to inpaitent but I will die before that shit happens they got there test fucked up somewhere

Love y'all

Don't let a test result take your life..

I'm happy you passed your drug test the second time. It's possible your prescription is what caused you to "fail" the first time.

What happened with inpatient treatment?

I'm waiting to go