Straight outta rehab

Straight outta rehab


Prayers sent

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You got this Laura! :purple_heart:

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Me too trying to take it day by day!! I feel angry lol I guess it’s normal.

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Thank you!

I have hope. Thank you!

Take it minute by minute if you have to. I’m feeling pretty good. Stay strong

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When’s your first meeting?

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Got a plan to stay sober?

Find some lady friends in recovery and hang with them. Pray

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90 meetings in 90 days it helps.

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Did a virtual one but was meh. I’m looking for an in person one for later today.

By the way congratulations.
Welcome do your new family and we are all here to help one another

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90 in 90 and working the program.


Thank you for that. I’ll try

Welcome :pray: Laura!
How do you feel?

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It will help you find the right meeting for you

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We love you! You aren't alone. We are in this together!

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You can do it

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Pray for strength, read the big book and come here to us.

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