Sobriety Bad Advice

I forget now it has a message but can't recall now lol

It says "message can not empty" or something very similar to that. Maybe it's me I'm not great with these things :rofl:

Well yeah it was kinda pushy people and I'd only talk about some things and it wasn't really enough for them. Sounded like I was ok or maybe I should go back out and find my bottom. That last last was something someone said to me.

Congrats on Day 98. :tada:

People are going to have to learn that their point of view isn't the only correct point of view. Besides, you don't have to be an alcoholic to decide you don't want to drink.

Our behavior, finances, emotional health, memory, etc. are reasons, too.


So true Melissa!

Can you send a screen cast of the issue to

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Wow! That's crazy.

"You're not old enough to have ruined your life with alcohol" :roll_eyes::face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


And similarly "you're too young to be an alcoholic"

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Yep. I've heard that and just wanted to reply "OH! Holy crap,you are right I was supposed to wait until later :face_with_raised_eyebrow:. It'sannoyingbut I thinksome can actuallyjust be unfamiliaritywith alcoholor drugaddictionandit'srealities. It doesn'tknowan age to "become a problem".


My favorite is quit acting like its a disease. You chose to do the stuff you do, so choose to stop. Ok well you heart problem caused by obesity is because you chose to eat and not exercise. You can choose not to have heart problems.


There were some people who were stoked I was making changes early, but that wasn't the majority


Really? I wonder what the age cap is? I didn't know there was one for alcoholics.

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Agree! :raised_hands:t5:

For real. The nerve of those without empathy.

I love this question and everyone’s replies! It’s hard to choose because I’ve gotten so much bad advice over the years :joy: I would probably say one of the worst was that I shouldn’t take medication for my mental illness (from a non-doctor)

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That one always bugs me. That is like telling a diabetic not to medicate. Or say hey ya know that enormous bullet hole in you chest? Yeah you don't need surgery just think it better.

Follow your heart - by a previous sponsor in early sobriety. I made some drastic changes and did not stay sober. 9+ years sober now.

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Not advice: “yeah we kind of saw it coming.”

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