Sober Success Stories πŸ“•

I've read quite a few success stories about some of your recent encounters lately. You've attended weddings, after work gatherings, and other events. The best part is that you didn't relapse. :tada:

Tell us about a time you didn't let alcohol win. Was it at home, a family event, happy hour, a wedding, passing by the liquor store after work. Regardless, if you've been sober 15 minutes, 80 years, relapsed recently- we want to hear your story.

Share below!

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Last year I went to the hospital on 6/1/20 because of the life threatening consequences of my addiction. After 5 1/2 months in 2020 in the hospital and the past months in physical therapy gaining the strength to walk and only needing one brace to walk πŸšΆβ€β™‚ now :leg: :raised_hands:, I am moving back to my own apartment and able to live independently as of 6/1/21. One day a year later! Makes the day more joyous and blessed for so many reasons.

I will always love the quote, "Addiction is giving up everything for one thing. Recovery is giving up one thing for everything :pray: ". It resonates with me. Stay safe and strong :muscle: :heart::v:.


Dancing all night at a Halloween club night party in October 2019 and having SO much fun all while in the first few weeks of sobriety :slight_smile:


I'm able to deal with
my past trauma, present stresses without medicating the hurt and pain away. I know my triggers now. I know when I'm under spiritual attack. I have a special needs, high-functioning,brother. I've learned to respond differently to stresses. All without medicating now. But the glory belongs to God! Without God, recovery is not possible. For me.


That is awesome John :ok_hand: :clap:! Your strength in that situation is very powerful.

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Damn. That’s fantastic. Are you able to get to a live meeting for 1 year?

When I stopped it was extremely lonely for me. All my friends are drinkers. About a month into it I couldn't take the isolation anymore and I went to the bar we all hang out at. I really didn't know if I was going to relapse or not. When I got there a small miracle happened. Upon seeing me my friends were all slack jawed. They could not stop talking about how great and healthy I looked. Not only did it solidify for me that I had made the right choice but I also think they might have tackled me if I had tried to order a drink. Even from the darkness of their own addiction, as they are all admitted alcoholics, they still were able to celebrate my success. I'll never know if I would have succumb had they reacted differently and for that I'm grateful. That was one of the final nails in alcohol's coffin.


Yes :+1:. I will make sure to make it to one. My regular meeting is actually Zoom based so regulars are scattered but mainly EST. I have to find a home group at is in person to go to at the new place.

Gotta go get that heavy metal. We can compare chips.

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I have a story. I got sober and went to sober living, I worked a dead end job and worked my AA program really hard. Helped others, worked steps, went to meetings and carried the message. Took on a sponsee and he eventually offered me a job that will turn into a lifelong career! I'm an apprentice electrician now and living the sober dream!


That’s fantastic!!

I did not listen to the voice telling me it would be okay to bring one drink home.

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I love that quote. First time I have read it.

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Hi Melissa. I'm glad you're recovering well. I know this was a scary season between addiction and COVID-19. But you made it through it. That's what matters. I'm grateful you are here to share with us.

Congrats on the new place. Nothing like your own.

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Heck yeah! That's impressive.

I'm glad you left without the alcohol. You left with your groceries, right? :green_salad::egg::bacon:

I'm happy you got to experience and know God's healing hand. He's faithful! :raised_hands:t5:

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This makes my heart swell with joy! You didn't relapse, your friends supported you in your journey. They sound like keepers. Keep being an example.

Congrats John! Sobriety and a great career. You're killin' it. Proud of ya.

I'm happy you realized that voice was a lie!