Sober Success Stories 📕

Thanks Amanda! Anything is possible when your vlean and sober. The promises come true with time and effort and a trust in your higher power

Back in 2008, my husband and I went to Pennsylvania to see our daughter. He wanted to go to an AA meetings. She offered written directions but he said no I've got this. Right. So off we go. We passed the Seagrams factory and I thought this is a sign that we're not gonna get there. So he drove. And drove. Finally we see a sign saying You are Now Leaving the State of Pennsylvania. I turned to him and said now will you listen to me ? I needed a cigarette so we stopped and he got a soft drink. Back in car, he said that the signs were wrong ! I didn't say a word. I'd been thru this before. So we turned back to Pennsylvania. We finally found the meeting place. It was already locked up. Back to daughter who said so how was your outing haha. She knew how it would end up, being his daughter !