So, this is new. I don’t have sober friends

So, this is new. I don’t have truly sober friends. Meetings have been ok, but I’m in the early stages of sobriety (alcohol) and thought I’d try this to better stay in my lane. Alcohol replaced everything I used to do for fun - now I’m taking those things back and having understanding peers may make my actions and situation seem a little more relatable and less embarrassing. Hi everyone.


Welcome aboard. Sounds like the same reason most of us are here. Take your life back. How long have you been sober?

It was very hard for me to hit submit on that post. Thanks for your reply Steven. Im in the second week. I’m eating again, tremors are less frequent, and I’m still working.


How are you?

I am well. Glad the shakes are fading. Had an old teacher that you could tell when he was sobering up by his hand tremors. It makes getting anything done tough. What line of work you in?

I teach history but I may be losing that. I’m decent at it and it was the one thing I had going right the last 4-5 years so it’s unfortunate that it may be the one thing I lose completely out of all this - aside from the drinking (which I never really enjoyed anyway)


I am a chef. Did that for the last 20 years. I love history. Considered becoming a teacher...but I can't stand teenagers.

Haha good for you. I think my patience for an unwanted drinking problem may be the same positive stubborness that keeps me patient with the teenagers. I don’t mind them. I have a malleable subject.

I am a bit old school and I've seen too many teens I wanted to pop in the head.

Keep the mallets and knives in the kitchen then :wink: ha

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Congrats on week 2. This is something you should be very proud of.

Why do you think you're losing your job?

Conservative job - got in trouble again - not a good mix.

Thanks. I think I’m pretty convinced that I need to do it but it’s a weird feeling because I’m - like many others, I’m sure - feeling a bit lonely in my decision.

Hi!! Congrats on just being here. I’m on day three myself and don’t really have sober friends either. My husband and I are trying to actually get sober together. Here’s to bettering our environments!

Congrats to you and your husband - thank you

Cheers to week 2 :metal: I'm about 10 months in, and although I still crave one of the effects alcohol had on me, the thought of actually consuming it feels really drinking nail polish remover or something. I hope things start to look up for you. Congrats on taking that first step.

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Don’t look back! Today is a new day!!

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Congratulations man. Sobriety will open more doors than drunkenness closed. That’s for damn sure. Keep at it.

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Thank you for being the first of hopefully many friends at Loosid. I am here for you and need your support also!