So, this is new. I don’t have sober friends

You’ve got it. I’m a very patient and understanding human for all but - sadly - myself. If and when I can help, I will.

Welcome! I’m new, too. Same friend situation and you. And what you said about taking things back that alcohol took from you really resonates.

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How are you holding up now? Got to stay busy!!!!

I don’t have many sober friends myself and find it hard to go to in person meetings due to social anxiety. I just recently relapsed and know a big part of being sober is having sober friends to reach out to. So if anyone needs a friend here I am. :blush:

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I work two full time jobs (probably why drinking was such a preferred go to) and I’m finding it very hard to find meeting times that don’t feel contrived or like it’s useful and not just routine clockwork

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