So sad and tired

i wonder if god will ever let me have a break. maybe a few things could go right for me for once. ha, i'm just tired of fighting and loosing. fighting for a peacful mind and then someone or something comes along and takes that from me. how can people be so selfish. how can people not care about the pain im in. to just add to it. i'm sad.... im so sad. i have been defeated there is nothing left in me.


I’m sorry you are sad and are dealing with people like that. But don’t let them defeat you. You stay strong and keep going. Don’t let anyone steal your joy.


Thanks but its to late

It's never too late. I've been there. Utterly hopeless. I was preoccupied with buying a gun a bottle of liquor going to a secluded place and ending it. Its hard to believe that was just last year. My dog was my only reason to live. I had no one. Do you have a pet? I started listening to positive affirmations daily to rewire my brain. You should check out neuroplacisty. We can literally rewire our brains. Just keep reaching out. You don't have to do this alone.


I read some time ago that things that happen are not necessarily good or bad they're just events. Its up to us to determine if the events can be used to benefit us. I believe that peace of mind is a choice( definitely one that takes a lot of practice) and no one can take it away..stay up and stay :muscle:....


I need to learn how to rewire my brain...I’m going through some sadness and negativity.

You have to pick the right friends. People that accept you and just want to help you in your recovery. Leave relationships with men alone for a while and focus on your recovery and wellness. This is mental physical and spiritual.


Our relationship I like an onion layers and layers and I am responsible everyone I let in my circle how close when you say you're at the bottom and there's nothing left that's when you start to climb out and it gets better we never give up

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Is there like an app.or something that would help with this?

We human beings don't do lonely very well, Dr cloud has some answers..

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I’m also fighting for a peaceful mind! I have these thoughts of where my life went and where am I heading. 20 years of bar hopping and hookups and past 10 mostly just drinking to pass the time, but am beyond tired of the next day hangover anxiety crap

I do that sometimes

I’ve been there and attempted. Pray pray pray. Get to a group and talk it out. Ping me and I’ll help. I know how hard it is and that dark feeling.

Kristina keep up yhe good fight. Sometimes you need someone who understands what you are going through. I have been in treatment since March 8th and have learned so much. DM if you would to chat I am a good listener

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Hi Kristiana. I’m sorry you’re hurting. I’m here if you need to talk.

Two things that helped me: I learned no one is responsible for my happiness and it’s not my business what anyone thinks of me.


I have been in the same boat emotionally. It seems like the world is against you. Just remember, to put it as the bible says, it rains in the just and unjust alike. That verse is about blessing. In a dry place the rain is a huge blessing. Some days it is your day others it is not. Or in a non judeo-chirstian way to put it...some times life give you lemons to make lemonade. Sometimes life make you the lemon. You are either squeezed or squeezing. Either way lemonade is only lemonade with some sugar added. It may be hard right now but better will come. It may take time, but it will come.

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You are not alone

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Good things happen to those who wait. Have patience, stay the course. One little, tiny break can make all the difference in the world. Trust me. :call_me_hand:

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Hey Kristina,

Don't know you; but what I've learned through 31 years of active addiction. Now, coming up on 13 years of recovery from it, the ONE LESSON that I LEARNED is that as long as I'm still alive and breathing, and with GOD'S help, I have a good shot of getting through this bad time. NO MATTER WHAT!

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