So sad and tired

Kristina, how are you today?

One minute, one hour, one day at a time.

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I am about the same, people continue to mess with me. Most everyone I know has disappointed me I still feel I haven't gotten a break seems like things just one by one go wrong nothing is right if I told you all the things that are going wrong in my life right now you would never believe me but I am still here and I'm still standing I'm still fighting for now thank you for asking pretty cool

Get off the pitty pot and easy does it ! U looking outside urself for answer the answers our inside u ! You have the answers take action ! Look in the mirror focus have a conversation with urself take ur time ! Write ur promblem on paper , put ur recovery first and foremost ! Attention a zoom meeting !


My boyfriend killer himself two weeks ago today and was talking like this. You need to check yourself in somewhere or find someone to be with. Don't seclude yourself. The pain you could cause others even if you "think you're alone" is unbearable. FIND HELP. There are millions of resources if you take the time to look. No ones going to do the work for you that you need, other than yourself. Cause no one else knows EXACTLY what you need.


The app is called go to a meeting! AA or NA or whatever your affliction is. Surround yourself with positive people trying to recover from the same shit. The 12 steps set me free and they will for you too. No app is going to cut it. Gotta do the work. Best of luck to you

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K. I have been noticing your posts for the past few weeks. I am concerned that you are deeply stuck in a vicious cycle of negativity. I have been there. I had a 10 year run of self pitying anguish brought on by heartbreak, loss of the career and financial ruin. It is very, very difficult to see your way clear of perceived

Injustices if you feel victimized. Try to get out there and work with others. Help people who are worse off than you. I know it seems hopeless at times but you can rise above but not on your own. Are you clinically depressed? Are you taking any medication? That might be worth considering. Tom

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Usually addiction begins covering up some feeling deep inside like anxiety or depression or some event in life that you are trying to forget about, so when we get sober we start feeling all these feelings we've been masking for all that time.. I had to get some help with meds and therapy for my depression, you definitely need to talk with your doctor about it and don't keep it in, talk about it with someone and don't be afraid to reach out for help. Don't keep it bottled up inside or you the sadness can consume you and take over.. keep positive and stay strong and keep your head high, you'll get through this!!! Take it one day at a time!!

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I am so sorry to hear about your loss I do appreciate your advice that is good advice that makes me cry to think about you're right I don't want to be the cause of anybody's paying like that Thank you

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Thank you Matthew that was really good advice also I will give that a try you AR right

I bought everything past year my marriage my house my car my job my family how did you break free any other side?

That was supposed to say I lost everything voice text LOL

I pray for understanding and guidance, and it works.

It gets better. Keep trying. Don’t quit quitting.

People are pigs.

Thank u Amanda. I NEEDED to hear that!!

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I lost it all too, a little over 10 years ago. Then one day I remembered something from treatment or a meeting... if u ALWAYS turn left, turn right. In other words, make the familiar unfamiliar. I was on a walk... suddenly noticing all sorts of things I'd never seen before, and then had a major epiphany-- what "i" needed to do for my recovery. Not what my family wanted. Not what my daughter wanted. Some of these things were: letting go. House I LOVED, invested blood, sweat tears, $$... is JUST a house. Let go- let God. I needed sober living. Not to go right into being a Mom again. But being a sober being who happens to be a Mom. I attempted to commit suicide by overdosing. It didn't work. I failed. Thought I couldn't even do THAT right! And look at everything I lost. Yes, I lost a lot. But they're mostly material things. They can be replaced. I, my health: physical, mental & spiritual, cannot. Some how I learned to put my trust in God. And have faith I was loved by him, when I couldn't love myself. I had to get out of the victim stance. It's AMAZING to see & learn how worse off other may have it. Day by day... at times minute by minute, my brain got clearer. I program. Went to meetings. Listened. Relapsed
Started over again. And at some point-- it stuck. As for the comment about nueroplacisity & rewiring how ur brain thinks=TOTALLY WORKS! Uhave to quit telling yourself what a loser u r. Or that u've failed. Instead- u r LOVED! U DESERVE Sobriety! You're kind. You're beautiful. We all make mistakes. Their not good or bad- they're JUST mistakes. Take the judgement & negative statements out of ur head, that u have on auto replay. And by repeatedly changing those tapes in ur head to POSITIVE things... u'll eventually come to learn that U R enough.

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Find the things inside of you that you want to live for. Easier said than done when so sad. If that isn't possible then you need help from others who care what happens to you. Who love you. Those people can help remind you of your worth and help you get through when you fail to recognize you are worthy of loving yourself. It can only work if you are willing to ask and be honest with yourself and those you trust. I don't know you, and I don't want to offend you, but you are loved! Use whatever fuel you need to motivate you to get the help you need. I want the best for you. Of all the suffering I've caused and endured in my short time on this earth, there is always others who've had it worse. I believe if others are deserving of love than the only way for me to love others is to learn to love myself first. How can I offer something if I don't have it to offer? You are beautiful. You are worthy. Give yourself the time and opportunity to learn and know this.

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Goodmorning Kristina what are you sad and tired about, can you be more specific