Sleep Trouble 😴 Drop your best tips for getting a e

Sleep Trouble :sleeping:
Drop your best tips for getting a restful nights sleep.

Lol! Well first I limit the H2O intake after 6, Then I typically get myself to sleep after a good binge episode.

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Earn that pillow! Maybe a large dose of melatonin tea and some sleep music too! It seems that getting a good nights sleep is so damn hard to accomplish! :man_facepalming:


I need and like my nightly routine now. Sadly I use to sleep wherever. Could have been the couch, chair, bed or floor. I like to really just slowly turn off from the world and a small dose of melatonin if I need it

I’m not saying that this is the best option, but I find Z-Quil to be helpful. It’s supposedly non-habit forming.

It does have alcohol in it just FYI

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My NP gave me Trazadone, since I had upped my drinking to stop the nightmares. Seems to help the sober me.

Get on a sleep schedule and stick with it (if your job, school, family etc allows it that is). Limit caffeine intake or altogether after a certain time, I wont drink anything with caffeine after 2pm cause it will keep me up past 10pm if I do. Find some good relaxation techniques like meditation or even just tuning out of outside interferences like phone and social media. Stay in the present moment, dont think about tomorrow or yesterday and of course, dont pick up a drink or a drug.

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Listen to the beach waves on youtube and practice breathing/mindfulness

After SIX! Omg I need to start doing this. I’ll be drinking water and other beverages until like 10 minutes before bed lol

It has been really tough lately. And it’s weird because I haven’t had serious sleep issues in years. I appreciate the tips! Melatonin does seem to help. I like the midnite brand. Have you tried it?

I need to be more determined about my night routine. It feels like for weeks now I’ve been β€œtalking” about doing it but never actually doing it. I started with trying to implement one good sleep habit at a time, which began with not allowing my phone in bed. But I quickly let it back in lol :roll_eyes:

I’m going to try this! Thanks!

These are great tips. I’ve tried to get on one several times and have failed. I find myself falling into that addict mindset by justifying not having to stop drinking caffeine after 2 or just staying up for β€œone more hour” on my phone

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I still have my phone in bed too sometimes :shushing_face::joy:... but check this self-care journal out I really like it and it's helped me because I reflect on the day but it's only 2 pages at a time and it's undated and you can take it at your own pace ... check it out - Self-Care: A Day and Night Reflection Journal (90 Days) (Inner World) on Amazon

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Melatonin, zzquil pills, Gaba 1000mg, a product called tranquil sleep by natural factors

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Exercise. Stay connected with friends to openly discuss anxiety and fear. For me sticking to a routine is very helpful. Talk with a doctor and ask about melatonin or another nonhabit forming sleep aid. Early in recovery I was prescribed tea ozone and found it helpful but would be groggy if i had to be awake in less than 6 hours. I also use a CPAP.

I have a sound machine I use that plays white noise. There is also an app you can get for your phone called relax rain, which helped me as well. Also I try to do a body scan and some breathing exercises to calm me down and relax.

Try sleepytime tea. It usually puts me to sleep after about 30 minutes and I wake up refreshed!

Sticking to a sleep schedule helps me tremendously. If I nap I nap about 20-30 minutes.