People say suicide is a permanent solution

People say suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, but depression isn't temporary. It follows you for the rest of your life. I quit drinking quit smoking cigarettes and cut down on marijuana use, and my depression is worse than ever. Like if you're always gonna be depressed, then what's the point?

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Sorry to hear that, yes its a fact that sorrow and disappointment and depression, are hand and hand with people giving up on life, the devils the program there is hope, not instant feel good hope but long term stable hope, its not easy and the truth and time are part of this process...


I think it's normal to feel depressed for awhile. PAWS -could experience withdrawal symptoms for up to a year. Because of that, many give up. Do not give up! I'm feeling depressed too, but drinking makes me feel worse. I'm actually going to look into my depression; talk to a therapist. Supplements are suppose to help as well. Hang in there! :heart:


Hailey, there is clinical depression (brain chemistry) and situational depression. You should see a doctor and have it diagnosed and, if it’s brain chemistry, treated. If it is situational you may need to make some changes, perhaps some hard ones. The thing is weed and alcohol makes both worse. You can’t treat it if you keep using.


I hate that expression, who doesn’t want a permanent solution? I haven’t been able to totally abstain from marijuana, I spent 12 days in treatment and the first time I smoked when I got out I realized how much it made me dwell on my mistakes and cringe about my behavior (a lot of shame and guilt, the root of a lot of my depression). I’ve still been smoking a tiny amount before bed I cant seem to stop that, but these days I am clear headed during the day and get more done, less tired, and don’t have the “face in palm, I should just end it” thought nearly as often as i used to. Therapy helps to, also keep in mind people care about/depend on you. Just food for thought based on my experiences I have two suicide attempts, feel free to message me if you want to talk! Best of luck stay strong :muscle:


You have to find God start working a program steps


You definitely need to talk to you doctor about this. Suicide isn't a solution to anything it simply passes the pain to another. I have been where I wanted to end it, so I get it. When the pain is near constant and absolutely debilitating. You have the strength to keep going. I know you do because you came here and made this post. Talk to you doctor. They may be able to help.

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I know it’s already been said-but can’t be stated enough. Please see a doctor.


I’ve been self medicating for depression and anxiety for over 20 years now. You may be in a similar situation. There’s a cornucopia of medications that can treat depression. Most of which do not come with debilitating shame and self destruction of alcoholism. It took me about 8 different prescriptions to find one that worked best.

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So what did work for you?

Thanks for an putting this out , it all true , everything you said , I needed to see this

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How long did that take? I started my first prescription recently, and she said wait up to a month to see if it's doing anything

I think some medications will take a few weeks for you to start feeling the effects. A month was the minimum my doctor had me stay on a prescription before changing it. Or increasing the dosage.

I hope you find one soon that helps. Let the dr know if you have any negative side effects. There are a few medications with weird side effects.

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I definitely will thank you

As if God is lost??

I’ve thought about suicide a lot lately. A friend recently left me a voicemail saying he’s ready to check out and haven’t heard from him since so don’t know about him. Had a friend commit suicide a few years ago. My teenage daughter ran away from home yesterday. She’s safe now but still. Here I am writing a post. Just because an alcoholic gets sober doesn’t mean life gets easy. The best advice I can give is something I know first hand. Suicide may or not be easy but it’s sure as fuck hard for everyone around the person afterwards.

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I had tried a few, but Lexapro is the one that worked. I was on it for about 2.5 years. I’m now off it and doing well. I’m 5 years sober, and there are still “sad” days, but I know they will pass. I force myself to take a hike or talk through it with a friend. Sending positive thoughts your way.

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I tried a few different anti-depressants and anxiety meds and unfortunately they made my suicidal thoughts worse so I had to stop. Not sure what else I can do honestly.

Depression isn't permanent. Your true self just doesn't fit the mold this society asks us to be. And that's fine! I recommend letting go of Marijuana.

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