People say suicide is a permanent solution

I know how you feel wth depression I suffer with it too. And ur right it's not temparay. And not all people are made to take medicine for it but u have people who suffer like u that will help you get through it. Give u ideas of ways to cope with it. U can do this. I have faith in you. Keep ur head up

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Back in 2003 they told me that I was clinically depressed and so they put me on medication. I later found out that if I was on antidepressants I would temporarily be disqualified for qualifying for my medical card which is a requirement as a pilot. I decided that I didn't want to go that route and so I got off the medication. I got into the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and fast forward all these years later I'm doing just fine.

Adrian I couldn't agree more!

I've read a few studies regarding antidepressants and it seems like they are a temporary solution. From what I understand they only work for a while and then you have to get on to something else and then something else. If you ask me, I think taking medication can do long-term damage to our brain chemistry. Personally I think there are more natural solutions but the medical community doesn't want you to believe that. And I also don't believe that it's permanent. It's as permanent as you want it to be.
My mother used to believe that she suffered from depression and she used to take so much medication. One day she simply said no more and took a different route. My mother hasn't been on medication for years. I was clinically depressed and I simply made a decision that I wasn't going that route and I've been just fine.

But you can't just say no and push a button. You have to be willing to make the necessary changes in your life.