Party girl

i feel so alone because none of my friends want to hang out with me now that I’m sober. I’ve been blown off by the only two people i consider friends because i didn’t want to go drink.


I hate to bring bad news. But those aren't your friends. Friends help each other through problems no matter what. If your sobriety is important to you then they should han with you without alcohol. I have friends who hang with me without alcohol all the time. They schedul alcohol after we hang out.


True friends will support You Britt! Only You can choose the path You want to take! You can do this Britt!!! There's a lot of Wonderful people on this site that you can talk to for support or even new friendship! Including myself! Keep Your head up Britt! You got this!


Thank you!

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Finding sover friends will help a ton. Whether its people on Loosid or locally, having several people to reach out to and connect with will help you feel much better. Meetings are of course a great way to find that too. Everyone is a little different but from what I've seen and my experience with the program, I struggled until I learned to reach out. Most of us in a program would be glad to talk anytime. We know how you feel!!


I have thought about meetings but my anxiety scares me out of it. I wanted to go last time i was sober but just got too anxious and couldnt bring myself to go in.

I’m starting to realize who my real friends are.. and apparently that’s nobody.

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Thats ok, a lot of people getting sover feel the same way. Its a process, and sometimes fast, sometimes slow, but we work on it. The big part of it is def talking to people. I'd even suggest reaching out to people on the app, get a conversation going, its amazing home stress can be relieved just by talking. Talking to people was my BIGGEST issue coming to sobriety. I will keep u in my thoughts, I hope that u can nail it!! We are with you, 100 %, all the way :+1::+1::+1: you got friends here!!


If i can get over that insecurity of myself then i would like to reach out more. I just Get too anxious and feel like I’m annoying people i guess. But thank you for the sweet words. I appreciate it.

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Your very welcome. If I can help, reach out anytime!!

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I was anxious about meetings too. Turns out they are just a bunch of people with the same story as me. People who’s lives sucked because of booze, who tried everything else to quit but nothing else worked. So they get together and help each other not take the first drink. You don’t have to speak. You don’t have to do anything really. And it helps to not feel so alone, and to not feel like you have the weight of the world on your back.

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I've been in the same boat, but believe me, you can still make friends. Try to take classes or join groups that align with your interest. I've met new friends from taking ceramics, improv and jiujitsu classes.

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feel your pain. There are other groups of folks that love doing things that don’t have triggers. What do you like to do that is outside and active, doing both those helped me a lot

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Not to minimize what you're going through, Britt, but after putting down the substance(s) it's only natural to feel lonely. After all, those substances and the way we interacted with them were a big part of our lives. There is now a void in our lives. We must fill that void but with what? This is where spirituality and spiritual principles come in. We learn to substitute spirituality with our old ideas, attitudes and behaviors. We also learn to make new friends and associations in recovery. While I certainly know that kind of pain and loneliness that you're experiencing, please know that you are not alone and you are here with others that have gone or are going through the same thing, the same feelings. WE are glad that YOU are here and taking about it!! Thank you.


Girl I feeeeellll you. Especially since I’m in a college environment right now everyone just wants to party and I just can’t live that lifestyle anymore…


That shows who your real friends are and unfortunately it hurts, I’m sorry. I know what that feels like and it gets bette. You’ll make new friends at meetings that will have your best interests in mind. Stay strong :sunglasses::metal:t2:

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It's hard when everyone you knew you have to let go..the best thing to do is start talking with other's in recovery and you'll make new time.


I just work. Lol. That’s me entertainment.

I feel that. My entire town is basically a huge college campus. Lol.

Hey! I'm new to the group looking to meet new friends!