Party girl

Hang in there party girl It gets better and better and better…

I lost everyone everyone I used to care about myself. I feel your pain. Im going through the same issue. I moved from my hometown to start a new life 5 months ago. Starting over is extremely hard and I too feel alone

Brit those definitely are not your friends. Misery loves company as a friend of mine used to tel me. You can meet new “sober” friends who will give you better advice and help you stay safe and sober.

I felt like no one liked me anymore because i got sober nobody wanted to be my friend and i did not care i meet new friends that was sober and i am glad i am sober i did not have to be drunk to find any friends today i am so thankful to be sober

Im having the same problem my self man.But like alot of people have said on here if they can't understand what your trying to accomplish and support you,than your going to have to distance yourself from them for now.It sucks I know but in the long run eventually they'll come around and realize what your trying to do and respect it.If they are true freinds.

Keep your head up you are not alone and things will get better it just takes time . We can't move mountains but we can walk miles to get there.

New here I guess I will loose friends with sobriety

Britt my advice to you would be to step out of that comfort zone and let the wall you have had up for so long down. I used to have really bad anxiety but stepping out of my comfort zone and getting comfortable with things I normally wouldn't be comfortable with has helped me alot. Ofcourse you will be nervous at 1st but I promise it gets better in time.

Ugh! So many of feel the same way. We need to continue to support each other. Lift each other up, pray for one another- just be a friend.

I love this community.