Only 5 days sober and truly struggling

Only 5 days sober and truly struggling. Currently living with my ex who wants me out- not supportive at all. trying to get into a sober home. I have no family and had to ditch the so called “friends”. I’ve never felt more alone and triggered. I’ve never lived in my own, especially having no one and no where to go.. I’ve been fortunate in life up until now.


hi u are not alone..when u put down the drink we learn to grow up.. When I was out there I had a fear of liviing on my own.. I conquered that by just taking the next right step and quit drinking.. God will ing this month 13 yrs.. Do what is suggested but for now get to meetings.. tons on zoom some are 24 7.. build a network get a hp.... It will become a gift in living a happier sober life

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You are never alone we're 1 big big family here & always willing to help you there are plenty of recovery houses , I believe in you

Sorry you are having a tough time. It's hard living with your ex, I know first hand. Hope you are able to find a safe sober place to stay, check out a womens shelter if needed. We are all in some way connected through our addictions, struggles, and experiences. Best of luck miss.

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It seems as though when life gives us lemons we get a whole truckload. It may not seem like it but even when everything goes wrong at once there is some good in it. Even if the good is you find out who your real friends are. Hang in there it will eventually get better.

I know the owner we got sober together. I’m rarely on here and in fact I’m usually on Sober Grid. Pass me a note and I’ll send you some contacts. Maybe they can help.

Continue holding on. It is worth it. You definitely aren't alone. 5 days sober is huge!

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I can relate to every part of your story. It sucks its scary and lonley. Sometimes i miss the fighting. Ahhh what do we do

A couple quick questions
Do you have a sponsor or if
your attending meetings in
person make sure you ask for
phone numbers. Go for walks, movie theaters are open, visit a church or house of worship thats not of your faith.

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Just a suggestion....can you please do a gratitude list pen on paper keep it simple write down 30 things you greatful for...

Whatever you do don’t pick up the first drink. God has your back! Keep praying and doing what’s best for You and your future self :slight_smile:

Congrats on 5 days that’s freaking amazing!

Your not alone if you need anything at all feel free to reach out. I work in the treatment field now so if you need any help finding a center please let me know. You've got this your strong and your worth it

Ashley needless to say as attractive as u r u r being BOMBARDED WITH remedies and solutions to all ur problems by men everywhere. Ur probably better off finding a woman or women to help u because obviously they don’t usually have ulterior motives inevitably involving SEX. Idk I know I would have A HELLA HARD TIME trying to help u and suppress the natural stimulation a HOT AF WOMAN like you is gonna no doubt cause. Just sayn

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Good advice stick to ur faith whatever it may be!!

I have lived in several SLEs. Highly recommend. Shelter from the storm and structure. Structure is key. After that comes purpose.

Never only, your doing really good. If only is in the past. Each day you'll step to another day and before long you'll feel the accomplishment we all see now with you. Your never alone, going through the mess and cleaning it up will bring you the joy you deserve. Keep at it, don't give up.

Omg Ashley I have an almost identical situation!! I sent u a friend request if u wanna talk about it. Toxic and dysfunctional environments and relationships are very dangerous to anyone but even more so to someone in recovery.

Sorry to here that , rock and a hard spot, I spent a bit of time with a wet one ,it took some doing to get it together and get my own situation, I was in 2 long term relationships with gals that either drank or other , its a very slippery place to be, there are a lot of people to help but sometimes it don't help.