On 4/28/2021 I will be three years sober

On 4/28/2021 I will be three years sober. I have not drove drunk in those three years and have not put anyone’s life in danger by my selfishness, because now that I have gotten sober and have some clarity I can see myself and my actions for what they were when I chose those reckless behaviors. I am grateful that I never hurt anyone. Only for the grace of god go I .
I am sitting in a hospital room of my 23 year old daughter who was walking her dog and was hit by a drunk driver a week ago. She sustained multiple injuries and her dog was killed. She has two broken legs, a broken hip, a broken pelvis , two broken hands and wrists, a broken right elbow and shoulder. I’m thankful to be able to see her in the hospital and not the morgue.
I’m also grateful for my sobriety, that I am able to show up and be and be present for her when she needs me the most and not drowning my emotions in a bottle.


I'm sorry to hear about your daughter.

Hang in there

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Shanna...congrats on your sober time. I'm sending healing vibes your daughter's way. You're there for her and she is grateful!

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Shanna I will pray for you both, stay strong

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Thank you :pray:

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Thank you Julie! She was just transferred to a rehabilitation facility today, it’s going to be a long recovery, however she will recover and I am grateful every day for that.

I am so sorry this has happened. I’m glad you’re sober. I’m glad she will recover.

I too will pray for you both, and hope that the driver of the car has had their moment. Their bottom. That their life also moves forward with rigorous honesty and spiritual progress.


So sorry about your daughter
Stay strong :muscle:

Way to go!!!!!! :pray::pray::heart:

Sending my prayers to your family. So glad to hear she will recover and is ok and so happy you are able to be here for her when she needs you!

God bless :pray:.

Way to go with your sobriety!!!! :pray::pray::pray:for your daughter

Hey there Shana, sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she makes a full recovery! Congratulations on your sobriety!

Thank you Craig. He is a 19 year old boy. The driver who hit my daughter and left her in the road. He is someone’s child , just like she is my child. His family is suffering like mine is suffering right now. I hope that this was enough for him. I remember when I had to go to the Mothers against drunk driving speaker event as part of my sentence for my own DUI that I had received that led me on my path to AA and sobriety and the impact that it left on me hearing the stories of those affected by those actions of selfishness, my own included at the time. The miracle is we can recover, we can change . If I can, so can that young man if he wants it bad enough.

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Thank you so much!


Thank you Melissa :heart:

Thanks so much :blush:

Congrats on three years. That is amazing. Sending positive thoughts for your daughter. I think about how many times I drove drunk too, and I am fortunate to not have hurt anyone. Hope she is on the mend soon, you are an awesome mom!

Thank god your here to share this.I’ll pray for your daughters recovery and her poor dog and the driver.I’ve always thought I was strong because I move passed traumatic experiences so quickly but I’ve recently realized that I wasn’t moving past them in fact they are piling up. Thank you so much, I’ve gotten a lot from your post Shanna🙏