New to this app lost my husband 3 months ago

New to this app lost my husband 3 months ago single mom looking for sober friends and support been clean from drugs for 6 yrs started drinking to cope with the loss and ended up begining to lose myself


I’ll be your friend

Thanks hun REALLY appreciate it have a good night

Your welcome. And please feel free to reach out to me anytime you need ok sweetheart

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Thanks same to you going to my 1st AA meeting at 7 am been to NA meetings back in the day just feel like a failure for having to do this now at AA with alcohol but I got clean from drugs i can do this too just didn't realize how losing my husband it would have me drinking n covid didnt help anyway gotta get some sleep have a good night



Rest well we are always here to chat with


Still here Jason?

Sorry for your loss

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How are you tonight

Maybe we have things in common I lost my wife of 34 years 2 months ago for being a toxic drunk i lost all
That I owned my dogs my house my truck everything but I am still hammering it out every day and trying to make a new life you can to if you need to talk any time just chat me you cant do it alone


I’ll be your friend too


How was your meeting?

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Loosing someone can be hard and understandable picking but like u said eventually we loose ourselves in the drinking or using

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I feel like a failure also but we are not. We know that we have a problem and that's a big victory.


We are here for u

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I’m here for you!

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I'm really sorry for your loss Danielle. I can't imagine what that must feel like and I probably don't want to. I went through two relationships in my life before I finally got sober. They were both alcoholic relationships and they were both destined to fail. I stayed by myself for a lot of years trying to learn who I am before I finally met my current wife. We've only been married for a little over two years and I really believe that she is the first one that I've truly loved.

You see I didn't understand when I was younger that love is not always something you feel but rather a decision that you make. I don't know what I would do if I lost her. Having those feelings for my wife, I can only Imagine the hurt you must feel right now in your life.

The only thing I can tell you that I do know is regardless of what your problem or problems are don't believe for one second that picking up a drink is going to help matters any because it won't. Please try to find some sober friends in the program and get to as many meetings as you can because you really need this program and those people right now more than ever. Please heed my advice. Your kids need you now more than ever. And even though I don't know you personally, myself and the rest of the people in the program need you.


Thank you so much EVERYONE have a Blessed Night


Sorry to hear that. We tend to substitute one for the other, but stay focused and strong. You got this