New to this app lost my husband 3 months ago

Praying :pray: for you. :butterfly::white_heart:

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I’ll be a part of your tribe if you’ll have me!

Sorry to hear that

I lost a girl friend a year ago, she drank and it was very hard to be around her, when she was sober she had a different personality, I was in love with that person, when she drank I had to get clear for my own sanity sake, this whent on for 10 years, I stayed sober ,when she die suddenly of mass vodka drowning, it was like getting sober all over again, its been a year and im just finding a little peace and serenity, the mind dose strange things to bring feel good about...its a roller coaster ride

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I’m sorry for your loss. Welcome to sobriety. Congrats on clean time. You came to the right place for support. Remember one day at a time. One moment at a time. Keep God in your thoughts. Give God all of your will to do God’s work through you.
Happy 4th of July. Stay sober for you and your family. Your kids need a healthy mom!

I'm sorry.

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Welcome to the app, Danielle! I am newer, as well, and it has been helpful :relaxed:

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I've been on and off with soberity the past 15 years and where I went wrong was not building a connection with a community or group of sober people. Because i never wanted to not be what you see on tv and the commercials as having fun partying...

Welcome and Sorry for your loss . BUT we're here for you friend..

i will be your friend. :purple_heart:

I am so sorry for your loss! If there’s anything I can do to help please ask as I have been sober from drugs since 1999 and sober from alcohol for over 7 1/2 years. Blessings and protection!

I’d love to be friends. My condolences.

A good chatting buddy is awesome to have. It would be ideal if you found somebody else who has lost a partner recently. But if you don’t, I’m sure others would be happy to lend an ear. Myself included. I can’t imagine dealing with trauma like that so feel free to reach out if you don’t find a friend here. Positive vibes sent!