Needing some support right now. Not in good place

Needing some support right now. Not in good place.


Hi Ms. Stacey. I know you posted this a day ago, but I hope it helps all the same. Whatever you are going through, falling back on old addictions is not the answer. You are strong, you are brave and you can take on anything this world throws at you. If you ever need someone to talk too, you can message me. I got your back.


Oh wow thanks so so much today was a better day . Thank you. Just taking it minute by minute :blush:


Looking for a good inpatient treatment center that takes Medicare which is a needle in a haystack ughh

You might check with the ranch at dove tree in Lubbock Texas

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Thx I will check it out. Appreciate it .

Thx Mike been sober since may 27th still looking into rehabs but one day at a time. Thx so much

Hope your doing better!

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You’re doing great Stacey. And I’ll never forget your sobriety date. It’s my birthday.

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Awe what a great day xoxo

I am ty so much still looking for a place just crossing my fingers

Ty so much Mike

I got sober at Managed Care Lubbock, Tx Dec 11, 2002
I think she's in NY though.

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Just for the record
I haven't been sober since then . I had almost 9 years and then I relapsed in 2011 which cost me about 3 years. My new sobriety date is July 6th 2014


Let me know if you need to talk.

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Stay sober and everything gets better, I promise!


Ty so much appreciate it one day at a time

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Ty honey

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Yes in NY and trying to find the right place