Needing some support right now. Not in good place

Hang in there; it'll work out if you keep up the good fight!

Hi Stacey- Amy from North-central MN here... hope ur continuing to stay strong.. I know ur in search of an inpatient program... but there r people here in the Loosid community who are here to offer u all the support possible!...including myself.. if u need an ear, lmk. As far as Medicare--try contacting them directly, (there's gotta be an 800 or 888 #. And find out what's Healthcare provisions are covered & which are not. I also assume there's a website too--which should list the same things. Such as where u can go for dental care,, and what you're allowed to access; such as tooth cleanings & cavities. Or which eye Clinic accept eye care & what kind of coverage you have. If u can't get anywhere that--id strongly suggest contacting ur local social services... here in MN there's something called Rule #25. And it is income dependent--u qualify for X amount of inpatient treatment & X amount of outpatient treatment. What the County or State base their criteria on-- idk. But don't stop there. Breathe thru the frustration & keep going. Ask around local programs. Maybe someone at an NA or AA meeting knows of a place or program that offers a small scholarship. Perhaps there's special funding bc of Covid? Idk... just tossing ideas out in the wind. But I DO know, Medicare has a book & a website that tells you what u qualify for with Plan B or Plan A. Because my daughter is on it. Feel free to reach out 2me if u get stuck.

Oh that bad place in the head, like a bad neighborhood you should not venture there alone, sometimes it just happens, in latter years of collected sobriety alone time is welcomed, but early sobriety best to collect and use phone numbers, just to check in with another alcoholic


Thank you so much for reaching out i really appreciate it. I will definitely call them tomorrow i was trying so hard to go to a rehab that's not a hospital setting but unfortunately medicare is all they pay for. Im on the phone everyday from morning to night to try and find the right place. I want to thank you again you have been a great help

Ty so much

How are you doing Stacey? Any luck on Medicare?

Keep your head up girl ! :purple_heart:

I went to Caron Treatment Center in PA. Great experience. Discharged on 7/9

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Hang in there. Your not alone! Reach out when you’re ready to talk