Needing sober buddies to talk to!

Needing sober buddies to talk to!


We all do


We are here to help


Hi Leslie.

What do want to talk about?


Hi Amanda. I'm having a lot of anxiety after a relapse and just need a little support right now. I'm beating myself up over this

There is no shame in relapsing stay strong and don’t let fear drag you to a long relapse

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I appreciate you trusting me with this.

First, take deep breaths. This will relax your body.

Second, realize you are human who need forgiveness.

Third, know this entire community is here to support you.

Fourth, do you have a doctor you can talk to about your anxiety?

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Thank you. I have been trying to relax and not beat myself up, but I had been doing so good. I am starting over today and even though I'm feeling anxious over it, I still have a positive mindset to keep pushing forward. I take medicine for anxiety when needed, but it makes me very sleepy so I try not to take it often.

Have you talked with your doctor about the medication side effects? Maybe the doctor can prescribe something different, give a different dosage, etc...find something to help you so you're not missing doses.

I'm glad you're starting over today and have a positive outlook. That'll help you for sure.

What goal(s) do you have to get through this week?

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My main goals this week are to get back in the gym (always makes me feel so much better), focus on school, spend quality time with my little boy, and make sober plans for the weekend!! Thanks for chatting with me :sparkling_heart:

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Awesome goals. What are you studying?

I am getting my masters degree in Clinical Nutrition and Integrative Health :relaxed:

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Wow! Go 'head with you bad self. :tada::clap:t5::clap:t5:

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Hi ur doing the right thing reaching out ! Fantastic step to take ur on ur way continue reaching out asking for help , it’s our opportunity to give u a road to follow that we have and r following ! It’s a day at a time ! Use the Senerity Prayer to help u


Hi Leslie :slight_smile: I’m open to chatting also


Look Leslie, everyone wants to be your friend. It’s cuz you’re in the right place and giving off the best energy. Be easy on’re actually kicking ass and taking names! When I decided to get sober, I joined expensive Equinox 7 days later because I knew that would keep me sane and could replace the swirling chemicals in my body with some proper natural ones. It will help mitigate your anxiety too. So get your ass in the gym pronto, or at least walk outside a bit. There is a balance in the beginning, at least with me, between just resting(I hadn’t slept much for the last 5 years) and getting exercise. Sobriety is about staying busy, but I wouldn’t be able to do it if I didn’t make the gym a major part of my “busy”. You’ve got your goal-setting down, which rocks! Keep your chin up and smile, the rest is well underway :blush::pray:t2:

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Thanks so much, Jason! The gym is definitely in order for this week. I've been going pretty consistently my whole life, so I know how good it can make us feel. Thanks for the positive message :relaxed::sparkles:

Please feel free to reach out! I’m looking for sober buddies as well. I’m 25/F. can talk to safe...Creator is good...peace...

There is no value in shame. It's totally understandable but ultimately useless. Use your relapse to fuel better choices moving forward. If it guides your behavior positively, a relapse can be exactly what you needed.