Needing sober buddies to talk to!

Well said! I found writing to be very powerful in rehab but it was all pain. Someone told me to find peace in humility and gratitude which helped a lot. I got what I needed out and turned tears into grateful smiles which pushes me in a much better direction today.

Hi i want to talk

Iā€™m here for u :heart: DM me on insta if u want. Idk how to send chats on here @Nina.630

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You are not alone! I relapsed yesterday. I know how you feel! Staying positive and open minded about my sobriety today. When the cravings or crazy ideas come Im going to try and contact someone here on this app. Im looking for friends to add everyone so please reach out.

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We stay sober together!

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Iā€™m new here and looking for the same.

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I have a little boy myself, about to be a year old! Times flying but I can relate to that because I cherish e moments I get to spend with him! I hope youā€™re in a better place now, but regardless of where you are In your journey just look at the blessings like your little one as a reminder that thereā€™s more to life than using. Thatā€™s what I do. Hope all is well!

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