My fiancé left me today because I can’t control my

My fiancé left me today because I can’t control my drinking. I don’t drink everyday or even every week, but when I do I drink until I black out. Excited to be on here and hear other peoples stories! Here’s to traveling down the road to being sober!


Thank you for the advice! I will look into this.

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I experienced something similar. It’s tough. But you got to push through and do what’s best for you. It’s your time now. Hopefully he will see your desire to improve and wants to be apart of your recovery and the new you.


Yes that kinda sucks but you can get through this
Try to find a sponsor and get to some meetings

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Thank you for the kind words! Today is feeling pretty rough..would be a great time for a drink but The gym will have to do. Start of working on myself.

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Thank you...I hope I can. Being on here is helping already. I have been looking into some meetings via zoom

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Yes and maybe find a real meeting for you I would find a woman meeting you would get more out of it I think

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That’s a good idea


And if you ever need to reach out because you are having a urge shoot me a text and we can talk

I have a similar story except my fiancé hasn’t left me yet. She gave me one more chance. It was hard to admit I have a problem because I only drank on the weekends maybe once a week. But when it rains it pours when I drink.

I wish the best for y’all and your sobriety! Yes, my fiancé has given me countless chances but this time when I begged for one last chance he just couldn’t do it. Wow, that is my story with alcohol to a T. My biggest problem is admitting that I have a problem since I only drink once a week as well. I think I have finally admitted it.

Sounds good, thank you so much!

You can also look up “Women For Sobriety” - a great support system.

Hi Kodie. That sucks honey ! But you will make through. It starts with a decision and then commitment to yourself only yourself.
I just lost my girlfriend and all our mutual friends. No family around and also need to move away from them because they are heavy drinkers and I couldn’t control so I am pretty much being cast away.
Sober for 2 weeks already.

I will do that. Thank you!

Thank you! And awesome to hear you are 2 weeks sober! My family is also heavy drinkers..I won’t be spending as much time with them. We can do this!

I highly recommend AA and staying single while you work your way through the 12 steps.

Get a sponsor and a live home group.

It’s a tough thing to admit...I’m still processing it myself and got a therapist to help guide me through these next steps...

Ya I was the same type of drinker never thinking I was in trouble till I saw me doing harmful things sbd said enough is enough

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welcome! get a sponsor and work your program, place yourself in the middle of the herd, listen to suggestions, surround yourself with sober support and have faith in your higher power!