My fiancé left me today because I can’t control my

I agree. Going to AA meetings ASAP will be the best tool to help propel you to a clear head and a sober life!

Right here with you girl💜 My fiancé thought he could control my drinking the same way he controlled me but when he realized he was powerless over my alcohol he left.

Right here with you girl💜 My fiancé thought he could control my drinking the same way he controlled me but when he realized he was powerless over my alcohol he walked out on us. I didn’t drink unless he brought drinks home at night.

Yeah my newly husband - got married in October- was ready to throw in towel too. I’m the same don’t drink everyday but once a month maybe two and I always black out and end up doing stupid shit, fight with him , not come home, hang out with past peeps. I had to make a change or I was going to go back to living the miserable alone life I was living with peeps who didn’t care 2 flips about me. I’m 1 month day ( hell :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:didn’t know that til looked at my sober today all) but ok I’m one month today! No binges! You got this!

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You’re definitely not alone. I’ve been trying to moderately drink but every time I try I pretty much get to that point of almost blacking out or I do black out. And the last few times this has happened I’ve been rude, aggressive and an ass hole. So here’s to working on a better me and not picking it up ever again. And here’s to you for walking down this new path like a lot of us. :heart::heart: