Lots of people say Aa isn’t for them or works

Abby said it very well..

Not sure about the question. But as far as if AA works or people saying it's not for them;
I love technology and I use my smartphone all the time. But technology does have its downfalls. In the age of smartphones, tablets, etc, we like everything at the push of a button.

One of the problems with alternatives to AA such as on line solutions is that they don't require any physical interaction with people who have been where we are. It doesn't really require accountability to a sponsor. You see, people have their own ideas about what works in recovery. Like it says in "How it Works," some of us tried to hold on to our old ideas and the result was nil until we let go absolutely.

AA is a program of action and it only works when you put action into the program. Someone said "as long as your staying sober." That statement is empty because they say that if you take a horse thief and get that horse thief sober all you have left is a sober horse thief. You have to be able to make the changes in your life. The 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous give us those changes.

When we take the 12 steps we become Happy, Joyous and Free. I've been in the rooms of Alcoholics Anonymous for decades and I've seen people come and go. I relapsed many times until I sat down all the way and became willing to do what was suggested to me and not what I thought was right in my own thinking.

When I did this I eventually could see where I was wrong and the people who have come before me were right.

But hey, we all have free choice to do what we choose. It's great to have that right. If you think it works for the moment, our hats are off to you. But if you find out after a while that maybe it doesn't work after all, AA members welcome you back with open arms.

I want everyone to know that AA doesn't work for everyone. If someone said the program [or any program] doesn't work we must believe them. AA is not a fix for all. No program, meeting, treatment, sponsor, social gathering is.

There are different paths to sobriety. We need to respect each of them. Someone not living our way/doing what we do isn't an attack on us.

Whoever is reading this, no matter if you're part of AA or not, you're welcome here. Please know Loosid isn't affiliated with any program, including AA.

Have a Happy Monday.


Thanks Amanda. I agree wholeheartedly. We learned in math in like elementary school that there is always more than 1 way to solve a problem. Have a great Monday!

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You're welcome.

You have a great Monday, too.

Give me a little leeway here...I have a severe health issue. I have been treated for this issue for 17 years. I have taken nearly every med they have for this condition. One gave me pancreatitis. Several I am actually immune to. That is why my doctor has the full arsenal of meds for my condition at his disposal.

In cancer treatment, one chemo will not work for every cancer. The same idea goes for every disease. It isnt a one drug fits all.

When we in Sobriety tell New comers that ONLY AA works, we are in essence condemning them to remain in their addiction.

I am a conservative Christian. I believe there is only one way to make it to heaven, a belief I hold with every fiber of my being. I do not use my religion as a bludgeon to convince people to try my way of thinking. Some of our AA friends need to take a verse from the bible.

Matthew 10:16
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

I am not saying AA doesn't work. I'm saying encourage people to get into a treatment program. If it doesn't work eventually they will come back around to AA. In short stop with the hate folks. Why would anyone want to go to AA when the vitriol spewing here is all they see?

What’s doc.

Aa works no matter what- especially if you link up with me.

Ya alcoholism is a dis ease so even though im recovered I may still exhibit some dis stress. However i understand this is a life or death matter so im being straight to the point and direct so people don’t kill themselves. Then Asmo I give people like you payback because I see you as being in the way of me trying to help people. Does that make sense ?

Jack even if you mean well you are coming across as a belligerent bully.

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But you are the bully Craig so ….lol.

People love to agree with others resentment. Don’t think you’re right cause you get likes.

Let’s just be supportive of anyone who is in recovery and fighting the disease. Just being on this app is a huge step for anyone. Judgement is not welcome here. Thanks.