Lots of people say Aa isn’t for them or works

Are trying to help here?

A tacit question?

If so what is the natural response , to being told not helpful,

Thanks for your OPINION

Sorry I’ll try to listen and not presume

A hit and run

Is that comment for me?


Jack. I can tell you that if you follow Keto or Weight Watchers that you will lose weight. Guaranteed. But those plans are not for everyone. Each person has to find a program that works for them. for me personally AA just didn’t click with me. Not sure why that’s a problem. I found my own methods that work. Nothing against AA. I went to quite a few meetings. But i have no desire to tell some stranger all of my personal business. But again, that’s just me. We shouldn’t knock anyone who is trying to be sober. Support is key.


Cool message chaz but umm calling bs. Pretty I’m mr wonderful and I’m telling you that I don’t buy what you’re saying.
I’ve been sober 14 years.
You aren’t happy and relapse.
You share your story on this app —-you seem off, your story has holes and isn’t congruent.

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Are you suggesting people in AA don’t relapse?

Yes and so does bill w. Rarely has a person failed who has done these steps. The steps are mostly art hanging in walls at aa meetings with 97 percent failure rate but the program itself is gold.

Agreed Chaz, as long as your staying sober

People relapse in AA … I’ve seen it first hand

Yep 97 percent failure rate. God sparred me for whatever reason. Aa is run by addicts

If you want the keys to the kingdom just ask

If you relapsed 99 percent I can say you weren’t doing the steps (my way)

Steps mean different things like workout. People think walking is working out.

I agree. When people say AA doesn’t work for them I know they have not worked the steps according to the big book. They have not had a sponsor who has worked the steps according to the big book. This is not a surface thing. Anyone who says just go to meetings and don’t use is killing people. A meeting is a place to meet other people who have worked the steps so they can help you work the steps because that’s the program. If I can simply sit in a meeting doing nothing and stay clean I am not an alcoholic. I said AA didn’t work but it was me who could not see the big picture. But it’s hard to change closed minds. An open one however just might hear you

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Words are wrong I think. Question makes no sense