Lots of people say Aa isn’t for them or works

Lots of people say Aa isn’t for them or works … I respect that however I can change their mind.

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Who is my do you think you can change?

Is this a philosophical question with a little sarcasm because you’re gonna say only you can change yourself if so I’m the last person you want to talk to you about this because I won’t give it any of my time how are you doing honey what was that oh con are you distracted me huh

I would like to know how you can change the way that I think about AA

Sure, what do you think about AA? I don’t know you so I need some info, makes sense?

What do I think about AA. I think AA is a great place for people like me that are alcoholics. 

Then you’d be right. I didn’t really apply it when I first tried. But this time has been better.

AA is a great starting point. It pretty much gives you a foundation to start "your program." It's "your program" at the end of the day.

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If you had an experience -better than booze - would that change your mind? :slight_smile:

Not sure who this is for but I have no idea what “you” are saying - is this some code or inside click I need to be in to get this?

Not that I’m interested at all in this thread just am distracted from more important shit.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Which is pretty much everything except for myself.

The courage to change the things I can. That is my responses to the people and things happening around and to me.

And the wisdom to know the difference.

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I don’t think I can change anyone’s mind about anything.

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Thanks you changed my mind ha

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Fuckkkkk This actually works for you!?!? Seriously?

By the grace of God go them………

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Nothing has freed me in my life as much as making a conscious decision not to try to control other people. I still f up but now I usually catch myself, apologize, and go about my day.


Is not controlling. A type of control ?

Hey Jack… are you trying to help people here ?

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I’m trying to free them