Lost my job due to my second Dui Just in

Lost my job due to my second Dui just in general having a hard time keeping my head up I found an AA sponsor call so I will be planning on talking to her each evening and I’m going to attempt the 90 meetings in 90 days


Rough ,I had a rash of DUI s in my 20s, drinking brings stupid dissension,

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Yes it certainly does

90 meetings in 90 days is a great way to go, and from my personal experiences I really needed to be involved and around other sober people who have had similar mindset in wanting to stop drinking. Keep your head up, you will find yourself if you work at it.

Work is what brought me to Nevada 12 years ago

Sad way to continue. Give this a try. Do the 90 in 90. Stick around. Life changes if you’re willing to move on from where you’re at.

I thought it was the end of the world when I I got my second DUI. Right after the 2016
election. It wasn’t. Things are ok now. I still fail at sobriety occasionally, but I have not once in almost five years driven after drinking. So it’s a pretty effective deterrent. You’ll be ok. Sooner than you think. Just know that and try to be optimist.

I hope you or anyone else wasn't hurt , that being said its time to take responsibility for your actions , its obvious that alcohol has a negative influence in your life , living sober in the beginning can be difficult it can be done things will get better , you wont be aressted again for a DUI, you see its already gotten better. Good luck , try not being so hard on yourself, you arent the first person who has two DUI.

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Sorry to hear that Lizzy. I know you feel down now but just take it one day at a time. Get a sponsor if possible. Read books on recovery. Works the steps or whatever program works for you. Show the judge you are being proactive. Pray. Everything will work out. I know how hard it is but just try to focus on today. Make today a great day.

I would take it as a wake up call. I had an old friend got suspended for life, in his own suggesting to the judge. He told the judge, "if I have a license I'll drive, and I'll drive drunk."

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I am most definitely taking this as a wake up call! I’m extremely lucky because I’ve had years under my belt of drinking and driving I just happen to get carts two times close together if that’s not a sign I don’t know what else is after 15 years of drinking and drinking and driving probably from the majority of that!
I’ve been hitting the meetings pretty hard focusing on getting a new job and how I’m going to get myself out of this rut and start my new beginning

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Lizzy… bless your soul! I am stuck in the hospital with NOTHING to do and nowhere to go after 2 weeks in rehab and if you haven’t tried Zoom, give it a shot! I never thought id like them but illprobably have 90 meetings in 20 days if I don’t stop but I just can’t Hager enough! They are so helpful and it’s turned all my bad addictions into 1 great addiction and that is getting better and not being the old me. I’ll be praying for you and always reach out to anyone in the fellowship! I don’t know you but I love ya and i just found this app so I’m learning how to use it but anytime you need an ear feel free to reach out!

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Hey Alan,

Can you private message me? I have a question for you and I can’t figure out how to do it.

Lost job
2nd DUI
Money it's going to take get out from under DUI.
No job
No money.
You awake yet?
Go ahead take another drink. There is more to lose. If you want....

Not trying to be harsh. Just wanted you to understand what is coming next


Well it’s the truth and it sucks! I haven’t drank since Sunday I’ve been going to meetings I reached out to some other friends that do not drink and even a few people I know that are in recovery themselves! And what feel so good is Saturday night I kind of had an idea that I was going to lose my job hence the second DUI so I asked God to relieve that stress from me and take it into his hands and just help me roll with whatever was going to happen so I can bring new opportunities in! And I was talking to one of my friends today her husband has 25 years sober under his belt I reached out to her and she owns a business and she’s giving me a job so as long as I stay sober I have an opportunity to start a fresh life. I would rather be a recovering alcoholic that I’m drunk that’s for sure and I spent plenty of years being a drunk so I’m gonna get something new a shot

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Yea you don’t want to get a 3rd like me, 2 weeks in jail, maybe when your freedom is taken away, food was awefull, lol, get a breathalyzer, they are great!! I have one it’s $65 a year

Sorry I meant $65 a month for the breathalyzer

Lizzy you didn’t hurt anyone but yourself. Keep your head up and take it one day at a time.

I got my 3rd dui almost 2 years ago, thought it was the end of the world. Getting out of the legal system requires a lot of work. You really do take it one day at a time in multiple ways. Stay positive, develop healthy new habits...my life has done a 180 since quitting drinking, you’ll notice 90% of your stressors were alcohol related. The other 10% you need to find healthy ways to deal with them, which you’ll learn.

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