Lost my job due to my second Dui Just in

I was lucky, they gave me 10 days in jail but kicked me out after an hour and allowed me to do house arrest. Regardless, the penalties are harsh and expensive. Luckily I never hurt anyone

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There are attorneys out there that will way over charge you for basically filing paperwork. If your dui is cut and dry, shop for the most cost effective solution. I think 2k is a reasonable price to search for.

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It sounds like you know where to start… Just do it and then do it again and then do it again and then do the five things that they suggest and then do it again… Take all the suggestions to the best of your ability and you can recover too. I promise you!:dizzy:

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I know how you feel but know this: It get’s much, much worse if you continue to drink. Regardless of how it looks, you can still quit while you’re ahead!

Lizzy, I think that's an excellent plan. And stay out of relationships until you can figure this whole thing out and get some serious sobriety time under your belt. Trust me when I tell you that relationships are not a solution to our problem. More often than not they take people back out there all over again and then they're right back where they started from. Trust me when I tell you that this old man has been down those roads many times when I was younger and they were all dead ends. I hope you can get this thing figured out because in some states three DUIs is a felony and you could face prison time.

Remember that today is the first day of the rest of your life. What you do with it is up to you. The person who has the most to do with what happens to you in your life, is you. Getting sober is merely the beginning of a great life that is yours if you want it.

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That’s tough but it sounds like you have a good plan and if you follow through you should be on the right track, hang in there!