
I think that is awesome Matt! That is exactly what I am hoping to do more and more :grin:.

Hey Heather, I am so glad you are here and no you are not alone. I know that situation of relationship troubles way too well. I also really have struggled with my ex-husband, ex-boyfriends just not getting that I couldn't handle it like them. I always was with people who drank moderately even to heavy but they knew a limit that I never saw. There is not a limit for me and trying to ask an alcoholic to stop at 2 to 3 "just for them" is impossible. Some even said I "wasn't an alcoholic" and just needed to get a handle on it but were shocked years later when I drank myself to sleep every night. Looking back, no wonder I couldn't. I hope you find the support you need here. DM me if you ever need anything :yellow_heart::muscle:.

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