
I'm the same way... and a few years ago I moved back home... an hour away from work so I am trapped on a bit of an island. I am doing my best to make new friends, but with covid it has been difficult. I was at my son's soccer game today and most of the other parents were talking about being hungover... not really what I am looking for in friends :man_shrugging::man_facepalming:

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So I’m not the only one? :tada:

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Yea ... going to be interesting trying to figure out those types of situations.

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Nope. Seems like we're donna need a bigger boat :wink::dolphin:

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Yeah, the irony of it all. I actually found out recently, unknowingly that I am doing it, I am still pushing people away. Everytime I get to the point where a relationship is progressing I shut it down and go quiet. It is like my consciousness is protecting me from things I know are going to pose a possible threat to my happiness. Idk...

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Thanks for sharing and all the replies. I also had to face the tough realization that most of my friendships were based on using. I've grown to accept I'm comfortable with myself but more recently have found a craving for connection with folks who "get" me. We'll see how it goes😊


Lonleienes is such a horrible emotion to go thru , to experience the isolation caused by factors that we or may not be responsible for. Sometimes I wake up in a panic because of the lack of socialization. My suggestion get out as much as you can , pick up the phone, send a text . Good luck Ed

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Well if you're saying they might pose a threat to your happiness or sobriety now them you're doing the right thing to instinctively steer away. Wouldn't it be a lot easier if we all hoped on this app and figured out we lived blocks away haha ... alas

I did the same. I only wanted to be around a person if they weren't going to address my heavy drinking :unamused:

I have only been sober a cpl days but yes I am so lonely also ecerytime I get sober I feel lonely n depressed


Yeah I burned a few bridges

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Same here. And then I’m actually relieved if the person just gives up and stops talking to me. :roll_eyes: But I’m trying not to do that anymore!

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Right! I am trying not to either but it's been difficult and uncomfortable, lol.

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Thank you for sharing that Ted Talk.

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Hi Melissa. Thank you for sharing. I lost everyone I love to a bottle of poison. I always feel so alone then I read your message and call the replies you received and it helped me feel no so alone. Thank you and thank you to everyone that replied. I just found this app last week and am grateful. Praying for you.

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I am glad you are here Dawn :blush:. I wish we all didn't feel this way but for me it made me not feel like the only person who let alcohol get the upper hand on their life. We can all do it :yellow_heart:.

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So. I’m finally writing on here. I’ve been a member and just reading all the post. But this one hit home for me. I’m a alcoholic and been trying to get sober since last December. I just relapsed for the second time today. I don’t think I can do it. I have no friends because I have pushed everyone away in my life. I’m in a IOP class and I can’t get past the people in my group. As far as talking to anyone else. I can’t seem to jump into the recovery community. So, I’m trying to do this on my own and it’s obviously not working. My boyfriend is just about done with me. He doesn’t understand that I really am trying. So I’m putting myself out on here and try to start talking to others in this horrible situation. I’m so happy to read this post and to know I’m not alone. Thank you for listening. Looking forward to meeting you all.


Thank you so much for sharing Heather, you are definitely not alone!! There are so many trying to find where we fit and who understands us during recovery. Just please know you and your boyfriend don't have to figure it out yourselves. It's so hard to give yourself grace, but you do deserve it and you are not alone:)

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For me, throwing myself completely into the program at the behest of my sponsor has been great for building new friendships. It's not just about meetings, really, things like NA events are the best places to make friends. I have a service commitment at kickball recovery, and I met some great new people at a spaghetti bingo event we just had.. The more you immerse yourself in a program of recovery, the more this stuff just happens.

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I didn't actually push people away, I retreated away from them. I have found they only follow you so far before you are no longer on their radar. This is something I haven't been able to reverse. Isolation manifests itself into a lifestyle of loneliness. Stop the isolation before you get too old to do anything about it. I'm like an old dog, caint learn no new tricks.

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