
I successfully managed to push everyone away from my life for years building up until I was completely dependent on alcohol. I drank away any feelings of loneliness because isolating myself was my solution to no one seeing how bad I had gotten. Now I truly don't have any close friends at all. I miss that and also have no idea how to make friends anymore.

Has anyone else isolated themselves just not to be 'found out'?


I thought it was just my fate. Still do.
It takes courage n strength to walk alone.

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I am in completely the same boat, you are not alone in that. Sometimes I wish someone would tell me that so I don't feel so bad. And despite being so involved with AA, I still have no friends or family. Just a lotta people who know my name. It's been a really lonely 17 months of sobriety. Just wanted to say someone can relate…


Yes ma'am I have. Ive isolated myself for so long that I literally get social anxiety at the thought of meeting new people. AA changed that for me personally. Once I went to a few meetings and found that I wasnt alone in this it allowed me to feel comfortable enough to start opening up again. As much as I'm totally comfortable being alone being apart of something bigger than myself like the community of AA or any other support group it allows me to get out of my shell and be myself and not only that, I'm not judged for it which is huge. I'm a people pleaser and have always cared way too much about what others thought of me. So to open up to a group of any size and be able to share all the things about me that kept me isolated and still receive support is when my guard really dropped. You're definitely not alone Melissa. It's good that you're reaching out. Side note; I got a pet. That helped tremendously also

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I spent years building walls around myself and my heart. I am still lonely but I am starting to get better at interacting with people. I have jumped into a few toxic relationships to avoid being alone but I’m tired of that pattern and all the drama it brings. I want peace. Someone shared in a meeting that it took 4 years for her walls to start coming down. I have 3 1/2 years clean and I’m lonely af. Making and maintaining friendships is very hard work and I have to be willing.


I am your friend Melissa. You know you can talk to me anytime.

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I’m here if you need to talk


Matthew I'm with you on that I'm 18 months in and though I have friends it sure isn't like before. I haven't reached out to any AA men to start any new friendships as no one reached out in return. I just follow my interest and hobbies like walking rail trails looking for vinyl and such and know God's plan is bigger then mine. Peace be with you.

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Thank you Rich!

I'm sorry to hear that. Yes, I guess we are and can all be friends and support here but I do still miss that in person friendship.

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Yep :+1:. Just hoping I'll get better about meeting friends in person.

About the pet is great to know. I am really looking forward to having a dog and a cat agian sometime soon but waiting. Both of mine passed but where pretty old so that's always hard but they had a great life.

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Thank you Amanda. I'm still not sure who I want to ask back into my life whether they might have been toxic relationships or too far gone but working up to it. Thank you and it's nice to hear you are trying to make those connections again.

Yes, many people do this. Including myself. Addiction is the opposite of connection. And addiction can take away our ability to make genuine human relationships. Everything you think you know about addiction is wrong | Johann Hari - YouTube this has some very interesting perspective and research. I would encourage to listen to it :slight_smile: I believe in your abilities!


I lost so many friends and family due to my drinking! I know what lonely feels like! It’s been hard finding sober friend or people that can relate to alcoholism. Stay strong! The right people will find there way into your life!


Yes for years

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I like your optimism. I'm hoping as the pandemic still eases it will become easier to get out more

I am the same Melissa. Isolated no family no real friends only drinking acquaintances

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That was me too. Insane now what I thought then was "functional".

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Yes we can :+1:. I am glad you are here and back! Keep it going :yellow_heart::v::muscle:

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