Loneliness is the hardest part for me

Loneliness is the hardest part for me. I know I do it to myself but I’m tired of fighting this. Staying sober is tough enough. Doing it alone is too much. 4 months and the triggers are getting worse.


I have the same problem. I slipped Friday night and Saturday night after 5 months of sobriety. Don’t do what I did. I regret it.


Hang in there. I feel pretty similar and I'm a little over a year in....it is a fight for sure especially when you don't have someone there by your side, but you seem like a fighter...4 months of hard work :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thanks tj. Means a lot!! This is the first time fighting to be sober and stay single . Just focused on my kids & I. Thank you :upside_down_face:


This keeps me motivated even more! I always have dreams of slipping up and losing the time I had. None of your fighting to stay sober days is a waste. Just get right back on again

Sometimes I worry too much about how many days I’ve been sober. It usually gets out of hand if I beat myself up over it. So I’m trying to forgive myself and move forward. I appreciate the encouragement!

No problem. You're kids are very fortunate to have a mom that truly has their best interest at heart for sure. This soberiety thing is the hardest thing we will do because it is for life....but it sounds like you have little human motivators that you can always look at for that extra push :wink:

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In this short time I've been going through this shit brotha....it sounds corny because you hear it in the rooms all the time, but it is so true. 1 day at a time. You're gonna struggle, but if you set yourself up to have a nice little network of sober people battling just like you are either through this app or in meetings or whatever...you're gonna keep it up

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Yea you are right. I was literally about to fall asleep on Friday and then had to pick my friend up from the bar. He gets in my car with 2 girls and then I just completely lost all self control and partied with them. I think I gotta talk to my friends and tell them about my situation so they don’t put me in a weird spot.

For sure that isn't uncommon. That is playing with fire for sure, but we have all been there. The hardest part is admitting to yourself that you're an addict/and or alcoholic...one of the 2nd hardest is admitting it to others especially friends, but I promise you the ones that turn their back weren't your friends to begin with. They were acquaintances for sure.

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Thanks a lot man. That’s solid advice. I should feel better in a couple days but I know tomorrow is going to be rough.

I appreciate the honesty of both of you. Joe is correct, do not make the same mistake he did and for both of you, perhaps you want to just resolve yourself to doing whatever it takes to remain sober until your next meeting then just rinse and repeat! :grin:

Meetings meeting meetings help me not feel so alone ..loneliness is only a state of mind a emotion that can easily be changed ..so do something to re focus call me ..we can be alone together

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Sobriety isn't one of those things we can do alone. We must stay connected. I highly recommend you attend meetings frequently and find a sponsor.

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Loneliness is part of this but once you are happy with yourself most of us find that the loneliness subsides.

I'm alone but I don't feel loneliness when I do God's will..

Joe don’t give up! Your a champion if you don’t look back and pick yourself up and say “well damn that sucked that I slipped, I’m human and I will forgive myself move forward and get back on the sobriety path”

Well said.

I had no support at all. So I went to AA and.listened to how people were staying sober. Got a sponsor as soon as meeting was over. She was strong and wouldn't let me rationalize anything. That was 26 years ago. Still have same sponsor. Staying sober a day at a time got me thru very difficult times. But in my case, I KNEW that if I drank again, I'd never stop. All these years later, I still keep it simple and one day at a time. We do recover.


Hey :wave: Haley! Stay connected proud of you for reaching out this morning to this group- in the past you might not have so be proud of that. Sorry your struggling with loneliness, does make things tougher. You got this girl!