Loneliness is the hardest part for me

“Loneliness” WAS actually the toughest to overcome for me! I just knew that if I needed to be alone at that point in time for my recovery I was willing to do it! Work was huge benefit for me ESPECIALLY because I worked with another alcoholic in recovery that happened to be a friend of mine. It just takes time! I would rather be “alone and sober“ then “sick and part of the problem!“

Yup. Failed many times because of lonliness. If you want, message me. I think we could both use it.

There are many ways to overcome lonliness in sobriety. Lonliness is only a state of mind too by the way. "Alert" Your addiction is trying to draw you back!
The only thing that is missing in our lives when we are newly sober is our old drinking acquaintances. You simply have to go out there and make some new friends(meetings) that live a sober life like you do. You can do this by getting a new hobby. Go to some places you've never gone to before even if your head is telling you that you won't enjoy them. You might find out that your head was wrong. One of the things I found out about myself when I was newly sober is that I wasn't really lonely but rather codependent. I just didn't know how to live by myself. We have to learn how to be totally content within ourselves and our lives before we have anything to offer the opposite sex. When we are really not content with ourselves and we meet someone, we have a tendency to say to ourselves "this is what will make me happy." People will let us down every time because they are not perfect and are incapable of totally fulfilling that role. It took me a long time to truly understand this.

Great advice Sara!

90 meetings in 90 days. Get a sponsor and start working the aa program.

One day at a time, let the days count themselves. They turn into weeks, then months, then years and even decades all on their own. All you have to deal with is the day you are living. The loneliness aspect can be harder to conquer, I don't quite have a handle on that yet so when loneliness rises I ride my motorcycle. It is loud and moody, kinda reminds me of either of my ex-wives.

Get a service position..it helps by getting out of my head and into helping others

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Hi Haley,
I don't know what your beliefs are, but you're never alone. God is always with you. I know-I know that it doesn't seem like a help when you're in the place of loneliness and in recovery. When I accepted my aloneness, that despair left me. It gave me a chance to develop a relationship with myself. And as women, being unattached is something to be ashamed of like society tells us, and it's not. I have peace. I've done my entire recovery alone. Prayer and my music helped me through. Also when I stopped looking outside to fulfill lonely feelings, I began to grow as a person and as a woman. I know it can be tough. You're enough for yourself, you're complete by yourself. Connections with others is needed, but not necessary for your survival. Hang in there You can and will just fine in time. All the best.

Just getting over a relapse yet again and I agree, I have know one her for me cause I ruined everything I had. Why can’t it just be easier?


Same for me too. Hang in there.

Your never alone.

Meetings are a great place to meet people. I'm single, live alone and absolutely love it. Hang in there. Look at the positives. :slightly_smiling_face: