Just feeling alone

Sobriety took away my friends. . Plus freshly single. I just feel so lonely. Any advice??


Completely understood. Lost a marriage due to this. Best I can offer is talking to others. Find people you can reach out to during those times of need. I have several people I talk to at night, or when things feel rough. It gets better. Just takes a little time :grin:


Find a passion - like running or walking - something physical and something that helps build a mindfulness practice


Chin up

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I added you Britt. If you ever wanna talk on here or if you need someone to talk about stress too, I am looking for new sober friends as well.


You doing ok Britt? Watching Dodgeball here. Have you seen that movie Britt?

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Exactly what you r doing

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Same, it makes it really hard when all my ā€œfriendsā€ drink. You can always message me! Iā€™ve been going for walks and trying to read more.


If it took your friends. Then they were not really your friends. Same happened to me. Find yourself and new friends. God will prevail. One day at the time


I feel you on that. Sometimes its easy to blame sobriety. I know often times I did. Its a hard pill to swallow but some of these people were not your friends. I wish them well , the path they walk is no longer mine though. I know it may sound weird but reach out to family. Go on a hike, maybe a meeting. Be unafraid to talk to people. Walk with your shoulders squared and chin up. Getting sober and staying there is a mission. You fought a battle that would cow most people. Be proud of yourself. :slight_smile: I dont know you personally, but you are amazing!

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Just try finding new hobbies to take your mind of things. I've really gotten into yoga and meditation, as well as hiking and being outdoors a tonšŸ˜Š eventually you will find like minded people that enjoy these new hobbies and adventures that you find interestingšŸ˜Š

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hey Britt! Glad youā€™re here! definitely get connected on this app, like what was recommended before maybe find a hobby- something new to learn, that helps pull a lot of my brain into something & out of sadness.


The friends you no longer have knew someone that was not you embracing your gift. Drugs and use are symptoms, not the problem. We all have deep seeded trauma and fear that are the problem, and they block us from our greatness and our gift. We are on a path to finding our true gifts without the symptoms and moving past the tramua amd resentments that fuel addiction (step 4) You are on a path to becoming your true self. Old partners and friends won't even know the new you and you won't know them. The first year of recovery is super bad for relationships because you need time for YOU. We may be externally attractive, but deep down our self esteem tells us we aren't. You'll find someone in your higher power's time. Trust that and focus on yourself and live in step 11 once you get there. Good luck.

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Might I suggest that when you chose sobriety you made other life choices to remove those from your life that brought you down and kept you from realizing your better sober life. When I chose sobriety I had to sever ties with people I thought were my friends. In my sobriety I learned they were co-conspirators, enablers, not friends.

May your journey provide similar wisdom.

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Feeling alone is a difficult times like these but learning to love yourself is just as nice and that you are good enough

Keep your chin up young lady things will get beter

This is exactly where I am too, plus I spent my first year of sobriety in a possessive relationship which kept me from meeting new people and making friends. I'm glad I'm out of it but it's still tough. I'm the type that will love someone and hold on no matter if they are bad for me. Ahhh well just gotta learn to love me a bit more.

Try making an online 12 Step meeting? When WE connect with OTHERS that suffer from the same problem, WE identify and feel less alone. It works!! I celebrated 3 years this week. I have unbelievable friends in NA. They are always there for me and (usually) don't ā€œwantā€ anything in return. They love me unconditionally!!

Sending love your way.