Just feeling alone

I also lost a relationship due to drinking… but I’m building a better one with myself & kids now

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Stay single for a year.

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The way I look at it, sobriety cleared my negative friends from my journey. And, if some of your friends are hesitant, they are more than likely just scared. True friends come around. However, sometimes your friends also have a problem and cannot handle seeing themselves in your choice for recovery. Hang on. It gets better. Loneliness is fear. Soon, you will be comfortable in your own skin. You are becoming authentic. Practice self-compassion: 1) be mindful of where your feelings of loneliness (fear) come from. 2) know that loneliness is a common human experience. We were built for connection. 3) be nice to yourself. Feelings, like eveything, are momentary. Sit in it then act on it. But for Heaven's sake, do not avoid it. Love &Light

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Hey Britt I can relate alot to this. Alot of my childhood friend are no longer on this earth. My girlfriend for 6 years who I met in high school, the love of my life died right next to me. I couldn't accept what happened for along time. So just know you're not alone

Sobriety didn’t take away your “friends”. They were never REALLY your friends. They just wanted someone similar to them to hang with. As a wise woman once told me “misery loves company“. So immerse yourself into something else that I’d actually beneficial to you and your most current siTustin.

I feel that, I am too. Me and my ex recently split. Its caused me to open my eyes and pull my head out of my ass finally. BUT this can be done. This too will pass.